Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You Can Now Agree With Everything I've Said.

Snowbeard's Indisputably Correct Dictionary says that, in the eyes of a conservative, the definition of a liberal is someone who wants others to provide for him at no cost to himself, and a conservative as someone who wants to keep what he makes for himself and give to the charities of his choosing. On the other hand, the SICD dictionary states that, through the eyes of a liberal, a liberal is someone who understands the needs of the less fortunate, often having experienced great need himself, and a conservative as someone who has never experienced great need or having experienced great need, never received help. Please substitute "her or herself" as the need arises. Do you buy any of this? I mean do you have to experience great need to be concerned about the needs of others? Do conservatives really give to charities? Do liberals always expect conservatives to pay for everything? I mean I once met a conservative who dropped a dime in the offering plate and another time I saw a liberal offer to leave dollar a tip after the conservative bought the meal. The thing is, generalities are often wrong, as a general rule. My answer to all of these questions is an unequivocal maybe. Some say yes, some say no. I agree.

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