Sunday, May 22, 2011

Juist What Isn't In A College Degree.

So what's the problem with our educational system? Well aside from some of the obvious things like no funding and the need for more dedicated teachers, there's college. I keep hearing how important a college degree is for young people to get a job. Huh. I know of a number of people with college degrees who can't get a job or can't get a job in their field. One family I know of has three children. One went to a trade school and has a great job. The other two have graduated from college and can't get jobs in their fields. The older one for over five years. I think the problem is that colleges are cranking out graduates in fields that are not in demand. The arts are important, in my opinion. Having said that, we don't need as many arts students as we need engineering or math students. But of course, engineering and math aren't as much fun and are certainly harder. If I were fresh out of high school and could choose between an easy course or a tough one, well you get the idea. What we need is colleges that look for areas where there is likely to be a need for qualified  graduates and teach in those areas. Maybe we should require that colleges charge more for courses in disciplines not in demand, and give more scholarships to those where the greatest needs are. Maybe the corporations that need those trained graduates should provide those scholarships. You can suggest that people should give greater attention to job prospects when choosing, but there needs to be some sort of clearing house otherwise lots of people can get fooled into thinking they've chosen wisely when they haven't.

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