Friday, January 21, 2011

Times, They're A Changin. But Not For Better.

I don't know about you, but I don't think things look so great. We know that America has a 14 trillion $$$ debt, but did you know that 46 states have substantial debts as well? Or that many cities and towns are in the same boat? Look at Camden, N.J. who has decided to fire half of it's police and a third or it's firemen. Or Arizona where they're thinking of canceling health insurance for 280,000 poor or Illinois that's considering a two thirds increase in the state income tax. There's a new cottage industry growing up that is focused on taking industrial plants that close down and they cannibalize them and send the equipment to foreign countries to make stuff to send back and sell to us. There's a business headed for extinction too. Then there's Detroit. They're talking about closing half their schools or the king of them all, Texas, where they think it might be a good idea to eliminate twelfth grade all together. How about that? Here we are falling behind the rest of the world in the most important area of all, education, and Texas, home of the creationist science textbook, wants to further hold it's youth back. Is limiting education the best idea? Is that a good way for us to dig our way out of this recession? Just dumb down the population and, presto, we're all rich again? Well, maybe for some it's a good idea. Wall Street seems to be weathering things fairly well. In fact, they're weathering things great. The Wall Street Tycoons are making millions again and they're not looking back. And they don't want anybody else looking back, either. I used to think that a recession was bad for bankers and Wall Streeters, but now I realize that doesn't seem to phase them one bit. No sirree bob. If things get too tight, they can squeal to the federal government to get a handout. But don't expect one in return. Oh no. You can see that in home foreclosures. They have about as much compassion as a scorpion. That's the banks. They have to screw people to make a profit, I guess. Wall Streeters, on the other hand, well, they don't need to screw people to make a bundle, they just seem to enjoy doing it for sport. I guess the only thing that would hurt them would be an actual Depression and that would hurt the public even more. So what else is new.

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