Friday, January 14, 2011

I'll Say Nice Things About You If You Give In To My Demands.

Well, after the tragedy of the Arizona shootings, our legislative representatives have, pretty much, all agreed to tone down all the violent rhetoric. The question is, for how long? 5-4-3-2-1-0. OK.  That's enough. See, the thing is, addiction is nearly impossible to break. No matter whether drugs, alcohol, tobacco or political vitriol. You just can't go cold turkey. And when it comes to politicians, it's even worse. After all, these are weak willed individuals anyway. I mean, they seem to have only three things on their minds. Power. Power means they can make other people look up to them or at least pretend they look up to them. The other is money. They suddenly find themselves in a position that gives them the "power" to spend other peoples money on just about anything they want. These are addictions in and of themselves. But when coupled with the ability to say mean things about people who are trying to take away those powers, like opponents in elections, it's pretty hard not to be addicted. Oh yes, the third thing. That seems to be sex. Enough said about that, it speaks for itself. So, to expect our legislators to be civil for very long, is somewhat unfair and a lot unreasonable. It's sort of like fantasy. In fact it would be fantasy. Still, it would be nice not to have to hear a congresswoman claim the other party is made up mostly of communists or a Senator say the other party are all racists. What's really funny is to then hear them all say how much they respect the members of the other party. " Why, I just had lunch with my good friend  today". What they really mean is they happened to wind up at the same restaurant at about the same time. Take a look at both houses of Congress. They're segregated. Reaching across the isle could mean loosing an arm.

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