Tuesday, September 14, 2010
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In the NY Times this morning Bob Herbert quoted the book Aftershock about the shrinking of the middle class and the expansion of the poorer class. He also talks about the wealthy getting much wealthier. That's why there is a, so called resurgence in our economy. A "recovery" for our economy. So, are you enjoying this recovery? If you're not, you may be a part of that shrinking middle class, cause you sure ain't among the wealthy. On the other hand if you think things are swell, you're definitely rich and probably sixty plus years old. Otherwise you wouldn't be using the word "swell". So how come the rich are enjoying good times and the rest are out of work or at best struggling? It has to do with the redistribution of wealth that's taken place over the last thirty years or so. Oh I know, you've probably heard about how Obama wants to redistribute the wealth of the country by taking it away from the good folks and giving it to the poor. Don't buy that hogwash. The redistribution has already taken place, but it went the other way. On average, young people today, and even middle aged make less then their parents did after inflation. That's a fact. That's why there isn't a recovery for the general public. People who make less, are forced to buy less. Buying less forces factories to cut back which means lost jobs which means less buying and on and on. So until there's a fairer division of the income levels, there won't be a recovery. Has nothing to do with Obama or Palin or anybody else. It has to do with corporate execs making two or three hundred times as much as their workers make.
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