Thursday, September 9, 2010

Heads You Win, Tails You Lose?

Well, the president has gone and done it. He's called out the Republicans and given the people a choice to make. Who do him think him are? Until now, it was easy for us to decide who too vote for. Just vote for the guy who wasn't there before. No thinking necessary. Or if you prefer, whoever had the nastiest campaign ads. But now, now we have to decide which plan of action we want to vote for. Do we vote for the Republicans who wants to return to the way things were run under President George W. Bush and favor the wealthy and deregulate business? Or do we go with the Democrats who have spent a lot of money to get us out of the recession, without accomplishing it, but who still favor the middle class over the wealthy and want to regulate business? These are genuinely hard questions. Who's right? If you've always been a Republican you probably think they're right. If you're a Democrat. you think they're right. If you're independent minded, you probably can't decide. A lot of people want to kick the Democrats out. That's because they're in the majority, but not enough so to force through their agenda. The Republicans know that and have blocked some very good ideas and maybe some not so very good ideas. Anyway, you need to decide for yourself. All I know is that going back to the last president takes us back to where we turned a substantial surplus to a very, very large deficit, and deregulation and lack of oversight pushed us into this recession. Frankly, I'm not sure I want to go backwards.

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