Sunday, August 22, 2010

Three Cheers For Intolerance.

I hear that the area where they want to build an Islamic community center is the home of such sacred edifices as a "gentleman's club" and a place where lap dances can be arranged in private rooms. Boy, I can see why they don't want to ruin such a devout neighborhood. The next thing you know, people will begin to complain about "ladies of the evening". We need to stand up to such intrusions into our rights to receive lap dances in the privacy of our gentlemen's clubs or even on our street corners if necessary. Just what's wrong with having a community center, you might ask? Well, hrmpf. People might start talking about peace and brotherhood or some other unAmerican activities. We can't have that sort of thing happening on our shores. Why, the next thing you know, some bearded guy will start talking about how we all need to live together in harmony right here in our own towns and hamlets. We just can't have such things taking place in America. Ms. Palin is right, Osama Bin Laden needs more recruits. Newt Gingrich has stated it most eloquently when he said "I don't want any Muslims lecturing me while Christian churches are not allowed in Saudi Arabia". He'd rather be ignorant of the facts about Islam because some others are also intolerant. My hat's off to these leaders. They'll surely get out the votes.

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