Saturday, August 7, 2010

For A Large Campaign Donation, I Can Guarntee---

Your Congress(s) at work. Here's how things work in our Congress. They want to pay for any bill they pass. An admirable trait. So when they needed to pay for bills for increases to school lunches and state's jobs, they turned to the Food Stamp program to pay for them. Now they could have funded these worthy pieces of legislation from things like farm subsidies, or even better, oil industry subsidies, but the thing is, these things bring votes. Now presumably food stamp recipients vote too, but not in the numbers provided by the suggested areas, and not to the influential legislators necessary to win the day. Here's the thing, if you can't bring either votes or large amounts of money to the legislators, the right legislators, you won't get the attention you want. Similarly, states are concerned because the pension funds they control for retired state workers and teachers is insufficient to cover the number of retired people and the high pensions owed. What's the answer? Who will pay to fill those needs? Here's a suggestion; Let the current workers pay or reduce the amount of the benefits. Heaven forbid. Well if not them, then who? If you guessed the taxpayer, you win the Kewpie Doll. Of course, it'll be well hidden in legislation. Sort of like a shell game.

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