Monday, May 3, 2010


Ya know, I've heard that said by so many people, I'm getting tired of hearing it. So, is Social Security broke? Well, I suppose it is starting to go broke, and I'm not surprised. I've heard it called a ponzi scheme, and everything else. But here's what happened. For most of it's lifetime, Social Security kept bringing in way more money then it needed to pay the folks that retired and were collecting. That meant that there were billions laying around. Congress kept looking at all that money and kept saying to itself, self, if we don't spend this money it'll go bad, just like ripe tomatoes. And we need to give the people of our country things. Our constituents want us to bring home the bacon, or pork, and we don't have the money to give them things. Now, here's all this money that people are paying into Social Security and there's more than is needed, so, let's use that money to give the people, our constituents, things and stuff. That'll make them happy and they'll reelect us. This is a good thing we're doing for our constituents. And, ya know, it was nice to have paved roads and good schools and we were able to fight wars around the world on the Social Security dime. So. Now there isn't enough money left to cover all the retired and retiring people. So, now Social Security is called a bad thing. What I don't understand is how it went from being a good thing when it had money to burn, to a being bad thing after Congress spent all the money. Oh. Wait. It's like taking that special girl out to the finest restaurant to impress her and wind up making her wash dishes to pay the tab. When it comes to Congress, and I suppose to many of the constituents, if you can't pay for the lunch anymore, you ain't in favor anymore. Here's a thought. How about if those legislator pay back what they took. Because the constituents can't very well give back those roads and schools and wars, now can they?

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