Monday, May 17, 2010

The Alternative Energy Snowball.

Well, China is in the process of developing the worlds largest Solar Energy industrial complex. The U.S.of A. is----- still asleep at the wheel. Now, I realize that there are still a lot of people out there that don't believe in Global Warming and all that goes with it, but there's something they're missing. See. most of those folks are sold on free market economy. They're the folks that want the market to drive the world's economy. Or at least America's economy. Well, OK, fair enough. What about the fact that countries all over the world, especially our competitors are driving as fast as they can to capture the market on alternative energy products? The rest of the world thinks there's a really good market developing for these products and they're gearing up to supply that market. Here in the United States, though, we're not really trying to help that industry much at all. Is that because we can see the future and the future told us that there won't be any demand for these products, or is it OPEC that's telling us that? Or is it that spicy snack we had last night that kept us up most of the night, that's telling us to forget this upstart industry? Is it heartburn that's saying "urp, don't do it, uuurrp, it's just a flash in the pan, urp". My dad used to tell me "don't be a follower, be a leader". Good advise. Maybe we should start leading for a while, again. But maybe we shouldn't wait too long.

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