Wednesday, November 21, 2018


       In spite of the big stink her father made of Hillary Clinton using a private email server, Ivanka went ahead and did just about the same thing. Now why do you suppose she did that? Do ya think she didn't know better? Or maybe she knew better, but after all, she's the President's daughter, and a favorite to boot? Was it necessary or just a convenience? Maybe she just didn't think of the legality of it. Or maybe it was a combination of all of the above.
       My guess is that she didn't care enough to bother to use an appropriate government server. I think she's a very clever woman, but not all that bright. Did she get good grades in college? Well, with a billionaire father, you can bet she did. My point is she is the beloved of her father and can do no wrong. So why bother doing anything the right way? Why bother to be sure to use the right server?
       His is a family of privilege, accustomed to getting their way on anything, no matter how important or minor. Daddy can fix it and certainly will. He's convinced he can kill somebody on the street and nothing would happen to him. He either actually believes he's untouchable or he likes putting on a big front.
       A good idea would be to "Lock Her Up." Or even better would be a public shaming. And how about taking away her privilege to enter the White house. It would be nice to do the same for dear old dad. A better theme would be to "Change The Locks." And do that to all of Washington. Well, we can dream, can't we?

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