In spite of the big stink her father made of Hillary Clinton using a private email server, Ivanka went ahead and did just about the same thing. Now why do you suppose she did that? Do ya think she didn't know better? Or maybe she knew better, but after all, she's the President's daughter, and a favorite to boot? Was it necessary or just a convenience? Maybe she just didn't think of the legality of it. Or maybe it was a combination of all of the above.
My guess is that she didn't care enough to bother to use an appropriate government server. I think she's a very clever woman, but not all that bright. Did she get good grades in college? Well, with a billionaire father, you can bet she did. My point is she is the beloved of her father and can do no wrong. So why bother doing anything the right way? Why bother to be sure to use the right server?
His is a family of privilege, accustomed to getting their way on anything, no matter how important or minor. Daddy can fix it and certainly will. He's convinced he can kill somebody on the street and nothing would happen to him. He either actually believes he's untouchable or he likes putting on a big front.
A good idea would be to "Lock Her Up." Or even better would be a public shaming. And how about taking away her privilege to enter the White house. It would be nice to do the same for dear old dad. A better theme would be to "Change The Locks." And do that to all of Washington. Well, we can dream, can't we?
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Monday, November 19, 2018
F. E. C.
Did you know about the Flat Earth Conference? It actually does exist, right along with the idea that Free Market works. This latest Flat Earth Conference was held in Denver and these people actually do believe the earth is flat. And if you take a long, straight beam and place it on the ground, you will see that the earth is flat. At least I think that's what helps them think the way they do.
As for the Free Market bit I mentioned, there are those who think that left completely alone by government, a free market will police itself. Now isn't that just as silly as thinking the world is flat? You'd have to believe that everybody in business is honest and fair. We are talking about human beings, right? Honest and fair are terms not generally used by boards of directors and even small businessmen. Somebody has to set some rules. That's what governments do.
Getting back to the flat earth people, they don't believe anyone went to the moon and looked back at earth. Heck, they don't even believe anyone went, or looked back. They don't even believe that you could sail around the world, I guess. I wonder how they explain that every other body in the Solar System or universe is round, but earth is flat? Maybe they think of Earth as an asteroid. But then asteroids aren't flat either. It's a dumb idea, like free markets.
Getting back to the flat earth people, they don't believe anyone went to the moon and looked back at earth. Heck, they don't even believe anyone went, or looked back. They don't even believe that you could sail around the world, I guess. I wonder how they explain that every other body in the Solar System or universe is round, but earth is flat? Maybe they think of Earth as an asteroid. But then asteroids aren't flat either. It's a dumb idea, like free markets.
Sunday, November 18, 2018
The Flames Of Calfornia.
President Trump checked out the fires in California. Sure enough he has blamed the forest fires on trees. And he's right. You can't have a forest fire unless there are trees. What you would have is a brush fire. Unless of course you didn't have any brush, in which case you'd have a parking lot. Actually he blamed the state government for the fires. I suppose if you didn't have a state government, you'd have what? A really big National Park? Then Congress could sell it off to oil and coal companies.
At least the citizens wouldn't be voting Liberal. The point is those fires out in California aren't the result of global warming. they can't be because our President doesn't allow the term to be used in his presence. There is no such thing as global warming and it isn't caused by human activity.That's called hedging your bet. It doesn't exist, but if it does, it's not my fault.
Well since global warming doesn't exist, let's sell more coal and lets lease or sell more federal lands and parks to allow digging for coal and drilling for more oil. Those would be acceptable, but whatever you do don't even think about solar farms in place of those more polluting activities. After all, forest fires are preferable to clean energy.
At least the citizens wouldn't be voting Liberal. The point is those fires out in California aren't the result of global warming. they can't be because our President doesn't allow the term to be used in his presence. There is no such thing as global warming and it isn't caused by human activity.That's called hedging your bet. It doesn't exist, but if it does, it's not my fault.
Well since global warming doesn't exist, let's sell more coal and lets lease or sell more federal lands and parks to allow digging for coal and drilling for more oil. Those would be acceptable, but whatever you do don't even think about solar farms in place of those more polluting activities. After all, forest fires are preferable to clean energy.
Friday, November 9, 2018
The Smart Way.
The new U. S. House of Representatives will be led by Democrats. They're gonna be torn between going after the president and getting some work done on infrastructure, education, student loans and a whole host of important legislation. My suggestion is for the House to concentrate on all the things Americans need and hold off on the hammer over the president, that's assuming he allows them to do that.
Already he's placed a guy who hates Mullen's investigation and thinks it should be ended, as interim Attorney General. That might force the House to go after Trump immediately, but let's suppose he stays away from Muller, then they've got to work on what's important to Americans. Like bringing our infrastructure into the 21st century and infrastructure includes a whole host of issues. We all have our favorites and they're all important.
Another problem area is education. I don't know what you may think of Betsey DeVos, but as Sec'y of education, she's slowly killing public education instead of retooling it and bringing it up to 21st century standards. Privatizing education isn't the answer for any but the wealthiest. Shame on her. We need someone who wants a better outcome for all students.
Now, if the president proves that he isn't interested in moving these things forward, then it would be time to look at impeachment. Of course, should Mullen turn in his report with damning evidence of Trump's wrongdoings then they'll have to move sooner, but they can do more than one thing at a time. I have confidence in their ability to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Monday, November 5, 2018
Tax The Lies.
There is great need in this country for funding on infrastructure and education. Roads, bridges, water treatment, electric transmission, the list is long and we need these programs in order to continue to be a leading nation. I would even include internet security as a failing.The costs to resolve these problems are overwhelming.
Then along came the 2018 election cycle. The money being spent on this campaign is also overwhelming. So for starters, I suggest that any donation to any campaign, over, oh say $250. be taxed by 50%. And that means an annual total, not separately. So in this multibillion dollar election campaign it would give us at least a couple of billion in tax revenue, all of which must be earmarked for infrastructure or education. After a few years we'd finally begin to get a handle on our problems.
But the real beauty of the idea is that billionaire donors and even smaller gifters would have to rethink their gifts and candidates would have to rethink how they spend the reduced money they get. Instead of a constant din of pounding the opponent, they might have to actually say something about themselves.
Now I'm not suggesting we wouldn't hear bad things about opponents that we know aren't true, we'd just have to put up with half as much or maybe even less. And that would be a true blessing. When did the order come down that all candidates had to lie about their opponents? Wouldn't it be nice to hear nothing but pronouncements of the greatness of the candidate and nothing about the opponent?
In the meantime, VOTE TOMORROW !!!!
Then along came the 2018 election cycle. The money being spent on this campaign is also overwhelming. So for starters, I suggest that any donation to any campaign, over, oh say $250. be taxed by 50%. And that means an annual total, not separately. So in this multibillion dollar election campaign it would give us at least a couple of billion in tax revenue, all of which must be earmarked for infrastructure or education. After a few years we'd finally begin to get a handle on our problems.
But the real beauty of the idea is that billionaire donors and even smaller gifters would have to rethink their gifts and candidates would have to rethink how they spend the reduced money they get. Instead of a constant din of pounding the opponent, they might have to actually say something about themselves.
Now I'm not suggesting we wouldn't hear bad things about opponents that we know aren't true, we'd just have to put up with half as much or maybe even less. And that would be a true blessing. When did the order come down that all candidates had to lie about their opponents? Wouldn't it be nice to hear nothing but pronouncements of the greatness of the candidate and nothing about the opponent?
In the meantime, VOTE TOMORROW !!!!
Saturday, November 3, 2018
No Good Citizen.
What s it with Trump? Everything is going his way. The economy, pretty much anything a president could ask for. So why is it that he's likely to loose the House to the Democrats? What is it that keeps him the most disliked president since Nixon? On the one hand he's thin-skinned but on the other hand he seems to take delight in doing things that make his detractors show him as a low life.
For one thing, I think its his show of dislike for women. He has no respect for women, of course he seems to have little respect for anyone outside his family. He lies incessantly, even when he has no good reason to lie, even when he has no reason at all. He even lies about his lies. He uses hateful name calling even against friends.
But its the disrespect for anything or anyone that will be his downfall. He ignores our most basic principles, our Constitution, our laws our reputation as a leading nation. Fairness, a staple of our country is of no use to him. He uses his position for personal gain. No law has any meaning to him unless he can use it to his purposes.
Normally we Americans see these traits as despicable, and anyone demonstrating them as outside the norms of our citizenship. Honesty and integrity have always been the hallmark of our democracy, but to Trump, they are trash to be swept away. Charity and goodness are against his instincts, to be used and abused, not enjoyed. He claims to Make America Great Again, but he destroys that which has always made America great.
For one thing, I think its his show of dislike for women. He has no respect for women, of course he seems to have little respect for anyone outside his family. He lies incessantly, even when he has no good reason to lie, even when he has no reason at all. He even lies about his lies. He uses hateful name calling even against friends.
But its the disrespect for anything or anyone that will be his downfall. He ignores our most basic principles, our Constitution, our laws our reputation as a leading nation. Fairness, a staple of our country is of no use to him. He uses his position for personal gain. No law has any meaning to him unless he can use it to his purposes.
Normally we Americans see these traits as despicable, and anyone demonstrating them as outside the norms of our citizenship. Honesty and integrity have always been the hallmark of our democracy, but to Trump, they are trash to be swept away. Charity and goodness are against his instincts, to be used and abused, not enjoyed. He claims to Make America Great Again, but he destroys that which has always made America great.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
The Enemy Is Us.
There's a caravan of refugees headed towards our American south western border. It's made up of mostly women and children. Some men too. And yes, possibly someone or several intent on doing us harm. Out of three or four thousand. That's a pretty small fraction, but a concern anyway. To combat these, the president was to send 500 to 700 military troops, which expanded to as many as 15,000 and we near election day.
Just think of it. 15,000 troops to combat one or two people who don't like America. Do ya think that's enough? The timing is everything. This caravan is about 1,000 miles away from our border. They're walking. I'll bet they're averaging ten to twelve miles a day. So why is it we need these troops there now? Or at all?
You don't suppose it's because election day is only a couple of days away, do you? If nothing else seems to be working, if it looks like you're about to loose the House of Representatives to the other party, what do you do? The answer is easy if you're Donald Trump. You distract the voters. Make them think you're protecting them. How can he do that? Make them think your protecting them from these frightened women and children and some men too.
Donald Trump is master of the art of distraction. Are you going to allow him to fake you out again? These people aren't our enemy and while I'm on the subject, the press isn't our enemy either. The only enemy is the distraction that makes you think they're all your enemy. Wake up to the truth. Throw the distraction back in his face.
Just think of it. 15,000 troops to combat one or two people who don't like America. Do ya think that's enough? The timing is everything. This caravan is about 1,000 miles away from our border. They're walking. I'll bet they're averaging ten to twelve miles a day. So why is it we need these troops there now? Or at all?
You don't suppose it's because election day is only a couple of days away, do you? If nothing else seems to be working, if it looks like you're about to loose the House of Representatives to the other party, what do you do? The answer is easy if you're Donald Trump. You distract the voters. Make them think you're protecting them. How can he do that? Make them think your protecting them from these frightened women and children and some men too.
Donald Trump is master of the art of distraction. Are you going to allow him to fake you out again? These people aren't our enemy and while I'm on the subject, the press isn't our enemy either. The only enemy is the distraction that makes you think they're all your enemy. Wake up to the truth. Throw the distraction back in his face.
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