Thursday, June 21, 2018

What's Next?

      Well, what President Trump couldn't do because of the Democrats, he claimed, he did by signing a document rescinding his prior document on immigration. Now the big problem facing America is the tariffs we've placed against the world causing the world to place tariffs against us. Who knew? Who could have foretold that if we placed huge tariffs against China, the E. U. Canada and Mexico that they would retaliate with huge tariffs against us? Almost everybody, that's who.
       And guess what? Its starting and it ain't gonna be pretty. If we insist on holding onto our tariffs against products from these countries you can be sure they're gonna hit us where it hurts most. And the thing is those countries can pinpoint our products and where they're made and in who's districts those factories are in and cause huge unemployment in those districts ahead of elections.
       Politics are always involved in everything everyone does. You hit one of our industries and that causes unemployment to go up, we're gonna hit one of your industries so the unemployment goes up, but we're gonna look for industries in areas or states where it will hurt you the most come election time. We're too global to mess with other nations. So how do we make others play fair?
       The answer to that question isn't likely to be available from any one person. But a leader has access to many advisors from many different interests and industries that he can bring together to devise a plan that will force others to all play fairly. We hope. But the leader has to actually listen to those advisors and act on their recommendations. The leader has to be able to make the final decision, but only well advised. No flying by the seat of his pants.

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