Monday, May 21, 2018

Its Still Time.

       An old friend pointed out to me that this latest shooting in which a shotgun and handgun were used are among 22 school shootings this year alone. Its important to know that the Lt Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick, has explained that the shooting is a result of abortion. Or maybe its because of family breakup, devalued lives or violent video games. See, it's all about anything but guns.
       In an interview with George Stephanopoulos, LT. Gov. Patrick used these reasons to explain the shootings. Of course the shooter hasn't given a reason so I guess the Lt. Gov. has some unusual gifts. I wish he'd give me the right numbers to the big lottery this week. How did this guy get elected?
       Look. I don't advocate for eliminating all firearms. I own three myself and I enjoy shooting at the range on occasion. And I don't think we can ever eliminate all of these kinds of shootings. But I do think its time to start somewhere. And the most dangerous are the guns designed to kill many people as fast as humanly possible. And I can still assure you there are no semi or fully automatic knives.
       Maybe the problem isn't with guns at all. Maybe the problem is that our elected Congressmen and Senators don't have the guts to do anything but claim to pray for those lost to gun violence. Ya know what, Congressmen and Senators? Don't bother, your prayers are as phony as your speeches. So until you actually do something to slow the death count, you need to shut up. Because when you say you offer your prayers and don't do anything to help, you show that you don't care.
       Its a sad day when someone who is elected to serve the people of his state or district can stand up and claim that someone that has been shot dead by a gun was shot because of abortion or video games or, I suppose, a dozen other dreamed up reasons, but no, the person was shot dead because someone else pointed a gun and shot. That's the reason. A gun was used.

1 comment:

  1. So want to BAN anything that kill, Like cars,trucks,knives,broken glass,gas,oil, I could go on and on.
