Tuesday, January 23, 2018


       Concerning our Congress which I mentioned in my last blog entry, I'm convinced as I'm sure many of you are too, that the members of those two august bodies consider their positions to be a result of their extreme diligence to detail. As it turns out, that's a true statement. Each member of both houses is extremely diligent in covering all the little details that go along with their positions.
       Take for instance the years in which they are faced with elections. The people of America have no truer friends than their local and state representatives. Why, no baby goes unkissed, no promise unmade in the battle to receive your vote. Then consider the years in which there is no election, no campaigning. Oops, my mistake, the campaigning goes on year round every year. But, outside the election year, they have a habit of becoming that long lost relative you can never get in touch with.
       Now that's not quite true either. Actually you can reach a member of his or her staff who will pass on any message you wish to leave. Your message will be answered by someone purporting to be your representative in a letter which doesn't quite fit the question you asked. You could travel to Washington, provided you have the local office of your Representative make arrangements for you to have seven minutes of the Congressman's time on the way to his next meeting.
       Actually, you'll have better luck in speaking with him or her than does any member of the other party. Nowhere in America is there greater separation than Washington. And it's not "separate but equal" either. Whoever has the most members gets the best seats and will not agree with the minority, even if they did ten minutes ago. Does this clear things up for you?

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