Thursday, May 25, 2017

Trickle A Trillion.

       When is a tax cut not a tax cut? If the President's proposed budget were to be enacted, it would mean an increase of as much as $10.8 trillion dollars to the deficit. but it's the tax cuts I'm curios about. The overwhelming amount of those cuts would go to the wealthy. But that's not what I'm talking about. after all that's the way tax cuts work anyway.
       But for the poor, the paltry tax cuts they would receive pale in comparison to the losses they would feel by the cuts to such things a food stamps, Medicaid, temporary assistance for needy families and a host of other programs.  Hundreds of billions slashed from Medicaid and more from the social welfare programs, but about $5.5 Trillion in tax cuts for the rich?
       How do you get 5.5 trillion from 600 + billion? Phony math. Actually, it's no deep dark secret. You just add it onto our national debt. After all, as the story goes, we all die anyway. The way the politicians seem to see it is if we're all gonna die anyway, lets enjoy ourselves to the hilt before we do. Now that's okay for the rich and politically connected, but what about the majority.
       The majority of Americans aren't rich or connected. We're just slogging along hoping to make ends meet. And then when the Politicians play reverse Robin Hood with what little we do have, well let's just say we don't get to join in the enjoyment. Now I don't mean to suggest the Politicians don't throw us a bone. After all they promise that by giving to the rich that somehow that wealth will somehow trickle down to us. They've been promising that for forty years. We're still waiting.

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