Huh? Now even Sean Hannity is calling for Roy Moore to pull out of the race for Senator for Alabama. What, in the scheme of things, does that mean for the campaign to elect Judge Roy Moore? Mr. Moore is the judge who refused to follow the rulings of the Alabama Supreme Court and the U. S. Superior court and I think, but am not sure, the US Supreme Court, in the removing of some Civil War statues.
But Sean Hannity has made his final decree in demanding that Moore step down and abandon his campaign for the Senatorial seat. Sean Hannity, who defended Moore right up until several companies who sponsored Hannity's shows, pulled their ads. That's the point at which Hannity switched sides and decided that money was more important than his support for a child molester.
Now legally Moore is in no danger of a trial for molesting young girls for several reasons, not the least is that the legal age of consent in Alabama is six years of age. No, that's not true, the age of consent is sixteen in Alabama. Still, that wasn't young enough for good ole Roy, he had an eye for a fourteen year old girl. And he claims never to have dated a girl without her mother's consent.
As for Hannity, his claim was that everyone has a right to be considered innocent, at least until the supporters begin to pull their ads. Now that's what I call sticking to your guns. Never turn your back on what is right as long as it's popular and financially profitable. And if you must choose between the two, profit wins out every time.
Sean Hannity will stand tall in the annals of history for hard blows. Sean blows hard for justice right up until it has a cost to himself. Still you must agree, Sean is a blowhard. Something we Americans desperately need. For where would America be without it's blowhards, throughout history?
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Rick Perry, Savior Of Young Maidens.
Well, we can all rest easy now that Rick Perry has returned from his trip to South Africa. While there, he explained how fossil fuels can save young maidens from sexual abuse. That's right, just rub that oil all over their bodies and, presto, they will be safe. No, actually the "oops" man explained that if you give electricity to these small villages, the families can turn on the lights so the girls can read instead of , well, you know, having sexual encounters.
To his chagrin it was explained that where there is central power, the long lines to electrify rural villages are down more than they are providing electricity. So Rick, the former governor of Texas, the former presidential candidate best known for his "Oops" statement in a debate when he couldn't remember what he wanted to say, has shown the equivalence of a Trump fumble.
Ya see, South Africa is the 6th largest exporter of coal in the world. So why is the Energy Secretary for the United States trying to get them to use more fossil fuels? Wouldn't it make more sense to push renewable energy products. That way they wouldn't have to depend on long lines that don't work most of the time. And we might have a shot at selling them some 'made in America' products.
That still leaves the question of how Perry came up with the girls being sexually attacked because of no electricity. Rick, just because you killed a coyote while jogging one day doesn't make you smart enough to be an Energy Secretary. Maybe a Coyote Killer Secretary, but not energy.
I'd think you would have your hands full with handling the nuclear energy industry, which you don't know anything about, so, Rick, stay away from places like Africa, and well, most of the rest of the world. Just concentrate on our own energy problems which are growing bigger then ever since your elevation to Secretary status.
To his chagrin it was explained that where there is central power, the long lines to electrify rural villages are down more than they are providing electricity. So Rick, the former governor of Texas, the former presidential candidate best known for his "Oops" statement in a debate when he couldn't remember what he wanted to say, has shown the equivalence of a Trump fumble.
Ya see, South Africa is the 6th largest exporter of coal in the world. So why is the Energy Secretary for the United States trying to get them to use more fossil fuels? Wouldn't it make more sense to push renewable energy products. That way they wouldn't have to depend on long lines that don't work most of the time. And we might have a shot at selling them some 'made in America' products.
That still leaves the question of how Perry came up with the girls being sexually attacked because of no electricity. Rick, just because you killed a coyote while jogging one day doesn't make you smart enough to be an Energy Secretary. Maybe a Coyote Killer Secretary, but not energy.
I'd think you would have your hands full with handling the nuclear energy industry, which you don't know anything about, so, Rick, stay away from places like Africa, and well, most of the rest of the world. Just concentrate on our own energy problems which are growing bigger then ever since your elevation to Secretary status.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Come On Congress.
Ya know, when it comes right down to it, it ain't Trump's fault and we shouldn't be finding fault with him all the time. After all, it's Congress' fault for not reigning him in. Congress has the authority to stop him in his tracks on a lot of issues, like talking down a free speech press and threatening world leaders with war and economic hardships if they don't agree with him.
Congress has the authority to put Trump out of office if they had the courage to do anything at all. But they have trouble deciding which side of the bed to get out of in the morning. Talk about gutless wonder girls and boys. Now to be fair some in Congress and the Senate have shown the backbone to speak out against Trump, but that's as far as they go. Others sort of mumble agreement and then go on to their far more important consideration of what name to assign to a new post office.
Not even a slap to let him know he's not the emperor of America. I'll bet I could find more stand up courage in a Brownie troop or Cub Scout pack. Ya know, talking about how bad Trump is, just doesn't get the job done. What those kinds of statements mean is "I really am afraid to go against the President because he might get me beat in the next election."
That's a heck of a reason to avoid doing the right thing. They call themselves good or even great Americans when in fact, they're poor excuses of Americans. They should be thrown out of office. Even if they're Trump supporters. In fact, especially if they're Trump supporters. Look, I have nothing personally against Trump. I think the way he made his money was more than a bit shady, but I never had any dealings with him so I can't say for sure. Let's just say I've heard he didn't pay his bills and screwed his tenants, and that's supposed to make him a suitable President?
Congress has the authority to put Trump out of office if they had the courage to do anything at all. But they have trouble deciding which side of the bed to get out of in the morning. Talk about gutless wonder girls and boys. Now to be fair some in Congress and the Senate have shown the backbone to speak out against Trump, but that's as far as they go. Others sort of mumble agreement and then go on to their far more important consideration of what name to assign to a new post office.
Not even a slap to let him know he's not the emperor of America. I'll bet I could find more stand up courage in a Brownie troop or Cub Scout pack. Ya know, talking about how bad Trump is, just doesn't get the job done. What those kinds of statements mean is "I really am afraid to go against the President because he might get me beat in the next election."
That's a heck of a reason to avoid doing the right thing. They call themselves good or even great Americans when in fact, they're poor excuses of Americans. They should be thrown out of office. Even if they're Trump supporters. In fact, especially if they're Trump supporters. Look, I have nothing personally against Trump. I think the way he made his money was more than a bit shady, but I never had any dealings with him so I can't say for sure. Let's just say I've heard he didn't pay his bills and screwed his tenants, and that's supposed to make him a suitable President?
Monday, October 9, 2017
Fish Or Cut Bait.
An adult day care center. Senator Bob Corker called the Trump White House and claimed that Trump is leading us down the path to WWIII. Well, what do you think? I'll tell you what I think. I think Trump is trying to get North Korea so mad that they take the first swing at us. If they take that bait and try to hurt us, it's likely they'll give it all they've got. Which gives Trump the right to retaliate. And he will. That brings China into play, and maybe even Russia.
Now Kim's shot may not be much in comparison to what we can do to them, but if you happen to be one of the folks in America who gets hurt or killed, it's not gonna be nothing. The thing is the more Trump pushes them the more they're gonna go all out to build up. Trump's so called Rocket man won't take too much prodding. Remember he's as crazy as the adult day care attendee.
We've faced multiple enemies before, but they didn't have nuclear arsenals and these do. If North Korea uses nuclear weapons, and they surely would, that means we would too and so on. Could we defeat Kim with out the Nuclear weapons? I'm sure we could, but South Korea and Japan would suffer horribly. Do we really want these to allies to take the beating for us?
Is Trump's ego worth that much? Maybe it's time for President Trump to start acting like a responsible leader and shut his mouth. But that's why he uses his bag of tricks to distract our attention from his real goals. He wants a war with North Korea, but not China. He thinks that by baiting Kim to boil over, China will stay out of any war Trump wages. Not so fast Donnie. I don't think Americans are that dumb. At least I hope not.
Now Kim's shot may not be much in comparison to what we can do to them, but if you happen to be one of the folks in America who gets hurt or killed, it's not gonna be nothing. The thing is the more Trump pushes them the more they're gonna go all out to build up. Trump's so called Rocket man won't take too much prodding. Remember he's as crazy as the adult day care attendee.
We've faced multiple enemies before, but they didn't have nuclear arsenals and these do. If North Korea uses nuclear weapons, and they surely would, that means we would too and so on. Could we defeat Kim with out the Nuclear weapons? I'm sure we could, but South Korea and Japan would suffer horribly. Do we really want these to allies to take the beating for us?
Is Trump's ego worth that much? Maybe it's time for President Trump to start acting like a responsible leader and shut his mouth. But that's why he uses his bag of tricks to distract our attention from his real goals. He wants a war with North Korea, but not China. He thinks that by baiting Kim to boil over, China will stay out of any war Trump wages. Not so fast Donnie. I don't think Americans are that dumb. At least I hope not.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Trump Just Keeps At It.
Well it appears President Trump has given up on the medical legislation and has moved on to the tax legislation. But don't expect much change in the poor protection for the middle class. Ya see when the Prez says this bill will be a great benefit to the middle class but will hurt me, what he really means is that he's due for a big tax savings while you folks will get screwed again.
And while the Republican party doesn't often agree with him, on this matter Congress is absolutely delighted. Ya see, what it actually means is the Trickle down theory will be fully implemented. Yep, once again more money in the rich man's pocket means more good paying jobs. That's because rich men just can't wait to hire more poor men at higher wages. It's in their DNA.
Think about it, why would a rich man take a tax cut and throw away all that money on some poor slob with no cultural niceties. Wouldn't that greedy rich man rather keep the money for his own entertainment? And what kind of tax cuts will he benefit from? Well the so called "death tax" is one. Right now if you die, unless you have more than $5 million in your pocket you don't pay any tax. If you've got more than that then your estate has to pay the tax. If you're worth more than $5 million, you sure ain't poor.
And that's just one of the things our favorite Prez is doing for us. He's also reducing our tax rate, along with the rate for the wealthy. Of course for us it'll mean fifty bucks while for the wealthy it'll probably mean 5 thousand bucks, but hey, ya gotta realize that his way of life requires more money. After all you may go to a very fancy restaurant once or twice a year, but the rich guy's gonna go there once or twice a week. That costs more so he needs more in tax breaks. But you don't.
And while the Republican party doesn't often agree with him, on this matter Congress is absolutely delighted. Ya see, what it actually means is the Trickle down theory will be fully implemented. Yep, once again more money in the rich man's pocket means more good paying jobs. That's because rich men just can't wait to hire more poor men at higher wages. It's in their DNA.
Think about it, why would a rich man take a tax cut and throw away all that money on some poor slob with no cultural niceties. Wouldn't that greedy rich man rather keep the money for his own entertainment? And what kind of tax cuts will he benefit from? Well the so called "death tax" is one. Right now if you die, unless you have more than $5 million in your pocket you don't pay any tax. If you've got more than that then your estate has to pay the tax. If you're worth more than $5 million, you sure ain't poor.
And that's just one of the things our favorite Prez is doing for us. He's also reducing our tax rate, along with the rate for the wealthy. Of course for us it'll mean fifty bucks while for the wealthy it'll probably mean 5 thousand bucks, but hey, ya gotta realize that his way of life requires more money. After all you may go to a very fancy restaurant once or twice a year, but the rich guy's gonna go there once or twice a week. That costs more so he needs more in tax breaks. But you don't.
Friday, July 21, 2017
Pardon Me.
When would it be appropriate to relieve a "special council" of his duties? When would it be appropriate to pardon anyone who was indicted in the Russian probe? When would it be appropriate for the president to pardon himself? Don't these questions seem silly, even stupid? But there seems to be an interest in the White House for answers to these questions.
Now why would these kinds of questions come up if nobody was interested in using the pardon trigger? I can tell you I'm not at all interested in using it for myself. But then I'm not some big wig in the White House. In fact I'm not any kind of big wig. But some folks are and I'll just bet some of them are just a bit scared they could wind up looking at jail time. Those are the kinds of people who would be most likely to be interested in a pardon.
And I'll just bet our president is just the kind of man who would be most interested in pardoning them. Of course it would all have to be on the up and up. You know, like in the best interest of himself. He certainly wouldn't do it without dismissing the Special Council first. And to do that he'd have to show cause. Like having his tax returns revealed. I suppose someone in the IRS would have to be dismissed as well, perhaps the janitor.
But what about pardoning himself? That would take some real courage. Well, he's got that. And some really great lawyers He's got them too. The real question is what would Congress do if these things came to pass? If I had to guess and if I had to bet on it, my guess is that just under fifty Senators would vote for impeachment which would kill the bill and nothing would be done but some whining by Democrats and a few Republicans, who voted against the bill because of some language in it.
Now why would these kinds of questions come up if nobody was interested in using the pardon trigger? I can tell you I'm not at all interested in using it for myself. But then I'm not some big wig in the White House. In fact I'm not any kind of big wig. But some folks are and I'll just bet some of them are just a bit scared they could wind up looking at jail time. Those are the kinds of people who would be most likely to be interested in a pardon.
And I'll just bet our president is just the kind of man who would be most interested in pardoning them. Of course it would all have to be on the up and up. You know, like in the best interest of himself. He certainly wouldn't do it without dismissing the Special Council first. And to do that he'd have to show cause. Like having his tax returns revealed. I suppose someone in the IRS would have to be dismissed as well, perhaps the janitor.
But what about pardoning himself? That would take some real courage. Well, he's got that. And some really great lawyers He's got them too. The real question is what would Congress do if these things came to pass? If I had to guess and if I had to bet on it, my guess is that just under fifty Senators would vote for impeachment which would kill the bill and nothing would be done but some whining by Democrats and a few Republicans, who voted against the bill because of some language in it.
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Fake News, Fake Presidency.
Well isn't this a fine kettle of fish. Our president can't help calling the news media "fake news" and then proceeds to hand out fake, guess what, news. Even his son, Donald Jr. gives out fake news. But he gave his fake news to the wrong people. He assured the government he never met with any Russians. Then he remembered he met with a Russian lawyer to help with adoptions of Russian children. Oh no, he met with the lawyer to get the "goods' on Hillary.
Next he remembered he was thrilled to meet with the lawyer. Then he remembered there were some other people in the meeting. Pretty soon it wound up being not just a meeting but a full blown conference, based on the number of people. Of course Daddy didn't know anything about it. Except he announced he would have a major announcement about Hillary in a couple of days. But when the meeting didn't produce any Hillary news, that announcement never materialized.
Too bad too, because it would have made for some great press. For once The Donald would have been able to praise the press. Don't ya wonder what goes on in the mind of a wheeler dealer? Well, I'll tell ye what goes on in a wheeler dealer's mind. "How can I get an unfair advantage over the other guy? What do I have to give up to get everything I want? Certainly nothing I value. Maybe my credibility. That would be okay. I never had any anyway. Making promises I don't intend to keep is fair game. And lies are my stock in trade."
A wheeler Dealer treads on the very narrow path between outright criminality and bad faith. And if he's good enough at it he can afford great lawyers to keep him out of trouble. Of course having a rich daddy helps too. I mean, who starts out with a million bucks and can't make a go of it?
Next he remembered he was thrilled to meet with the lawyer. Then he remembered there were some other people in the meeting. Pretty soon it wound up being not just a meeting but a full blown conference, based on the number of people. Of course Daddy didn't know anything about it. Except he announced he would have a major announcement about Hillary in a couple of days. But when the meeting didn't produce any Hillary news, that announcement never materialized.
Too bad too, because it would have made for some great press. For once The Donald would have been able to praise the press. Don't ya wonder what goes on in the mind of a wheeler dealer? Well, I'll tell ye what goes on in a wheeler dealer's mind. "How can I get an unfair advantage over the other guy? What do I have to give up to get everything I want? Certainly nothing I value. Maybe my credibility. That would be okay. I never had any anyway. Making promises I don't intend to keep is fair game. And lies are my stock in trade."
A wheeler Dealer treads on the very narrow path between outright criminality and bad faith. And if he's good enough at it he can afford great lawyers to keep him out of trouble. Of course having a rich daddy helps too. I mean, who starts out with a million bucks and can't make a go of it?
Monday, July 10, 2017
Cyber Security?
Now here's a great idea that Trump and Putin came up with. Let's join in a joint Cyber Security arrangement that would be impenetrable. That way the folks who are threatening to bring us down by hacking into our electoral process will be able to build in cookies and whatever they want to make it easier for them to hack us. Putin's no dummy, but Trump must be. Of course when he found out that nobody in America thought it was a good thing to do, Trump changed his mind last night and said they only talked about it.
Really? They actually talked about it? I know, I know, I promised not to come down on our president, but, come on, this was a really stupid thing to consider. I heard one statement on TV about working with the fox on poultry safety. Who better to advise us on how to stop cyber attacks then the guys who want to penetrate our security? That way, they learn all of our weaknesses instead of just some of them.
I have to say President Trump has outdone himself on this one. And when you do an about face so quickly on something so patently foolish, it's not because you though better of it, it's because you didn't think about it in the first place. Talk about the potential for national security being breached. I understand his desire for isolationism, but he needs to begin to think before he acts. Isolationism didn't work in the past and there's absolutely no reason to think it'll work now. And partnering with Putin on Cyber Security can never work.
Really? They actually talked about it? I know, I know, I promised not to come down on our president, but, come on, this was a really stupid thing to consider. I heard one statement on TV about working with the fox on poultry safety. Who better to advise us on how to stop cyber attacks then the guys who want to penetrate our security? That way, they learn all of our weaknesses instead of just some of them.
I have to say President Trump has outdone himself on this one. And when you do an about face so quickly on something so patently foolish, it's not because you though better of it, it's because you didn't think about it in the first place. Talk about the potential for national security being breached. I understand his desire for isolationism, but he needs to begin to think before he acts. Isolationism didn't work in the past and there's absolutely no reason to think it'll work now. And partnering with Putin on Cyber Security can never work.
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Here's The Problem.
I've been making a mistake for some time now. I've filled these page with the mistakes, miscues and dumb actions be President Trump. And while I'm not going to promise to stop entirely, I'd like to focus on the problems created by those things about Trump.
We've got some real problems in America, not the least are: N. Korea has a missile that can reach America and very likely can be fitted with a nuclear bomb. Russia has hacked into our election process and it looks like they're trying to hack into our nuclear energy system. A Congress that is so deeply divided they can't get anything done. And these are just a start. we need to concentrate on these issues and not petty barbs coming off the internet.
Here's what I suggest; the president, his cabinet, advisors from all the intelligence services and any other necessary advisors and all go to Camp David for three or four days. Trump would be required to leave all internet devices at the white House as would everyone else. Access to the rest of the world would be handled by staff and those who needed to would be granted supervised outside contact.
Some advisors would come and go as needed. The agenda would focus on our major problems. The goal would be to resolve, as much as possible, those most pressing concerns. Camp David is the perfect spot for such a gathering because of its isolation. Nowhere else can such a large group meet without outside interference or distractions.
So, what are the chances of my idea coming to pass? About as much chance as I have of setting a new world record in the 100 meter foot race. Not Congress, not the White House nor any other division of our Government has the interest to resolve any of these issues as long as they can continue to argue with each other. They enjoy it too much.
We've got some real problems in America, not the least are: N. Korea has a missile that can reach America and very likely can be fitted with a nuclear bomb. Russia has hacked into our election process and it looks like they're trying to hack into our nuclear energy system. A Congress that is so deeply divided they can't get anything done. And these are just a start. we need to concentrate on these issues and not petty barbs coming off the internet.
Here's what I suggest; the president, his cabinet, advisors from all the intelligence services and any other necessary advisors and all go to Camp David for three or four days. Trump would be required to leave all internet devices at the white House as would everyone else. Access to the rest of the world would be handled by staff and those who needed to would be granted supervised outside contact.
Some advisors would come and go as needed. The agenda would focus on our major problems. The goal would be to resolve, as much as possible, those most pressing concerns. Camp David is the perfect spot for such a gathering because of its isolation. Nowhere else can such a large group meet without outside interference or distractions.
So, what are the chances of my idea coming to pass? About as much chance as I have of setting a new world record in the 100 meter foot race. Not Congress, not the White House nor any other division of our Government has the interest to resolve any of these issues as long as they can continue to argue with each other. They enjoy it too much.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Christians When It Suits Them.
You remember Hobby Lobby don't you? It's the company that is so Christian that they wouldn't cover employees for birth control medication because it was against their strict Christian beliefs. Well, they're in the news today, because of their strict Christian belief that it's okay to steal artifacts from the middle east.
Ya see, as evangelical Christians, the owners of Hobby Lobby felt it was okay to illegally buy artifacts from private dealers who had no right to sell them, and Hobby Lobby knew it. So now they're being forced to give them all back to Iraq and or their rightful owners. That, and pay a $3 million fine.
Now I don't know what you may think of this latest development but I think that either the evangelical Christians that own Hobby Lobby are just a tad two faced or just plain crooks playing at being pious. Either way, they don't deserve any consideration for their past calls for special treatment. Too bad the decision to let them ignore contraceptives coverage can't be reversed because they've shown themselves to be anything but the Christians they said they were. I guess you could call them CINOs (Christians In Name Only).
That's because true believers wouldn't steal anything. It's not what Christianity is all about. And it's not like one or two items happened to fall into their hands by mistake. There were 5500 pieces of antiquities involved from more then one dealer. Hardly a simple misunderstanding. Way to go. How do you feel now Two Face?
Ya see, as evangelical Christians, the owners of Hobby Lobby felt it was okay to illegally buy artifacts from private dealers who had no right to sell them, and Hobby Lobby knew it. So now they're being forced to give them all back to Iraq and or their rightful owners. That, and pay a $3 million fine.
Now I don't know what you may think of this latest development but I think that either the evangelical Christians that own Hobby Lobby are just a tad two faced or just plain crooks playing at being pious. Either way, they don't deserve any consideration for their past calls for special treatment. Too bad the decision to let them ignore contraceptives coverage can't be reversed because they've shown themselves to be anything but the Christians they said they were. I guess you could call them CINOs (Christians In Name Only).
That's because true believers wouldn't steal anything. It's not what Christianity is all about. And it's not like one or two items happened to fall into their hands by mistake. There were 5500 pieces of antiquities involved from more then one dealer. Hardly a simple misunderstanding. Way to go. How do you feel now Two Face?
Monday, July 3, 2017
Socialism / Free Market Capitalism
Does anyone know the real difference between pure Socialism and pure Free Market Capitalism? See the words Social (ism) and Capital (ism). Socialism has to do with what is seen as being best for society, all of us. Free Market Capitalism has to do with profits, money. FMC in it's purest form cares nothing about people except where it can return income on investments to investors, people.
Let's take a hypothetical example. Bobby Joe, of West Virginia has a wealthy uncle who dies. The uncle leaves Bobby Joe $100,000. Bobby Joe, being a smart fella invests the 100 grand in a coalmining company. The company is profitable because it started using the so called Mountaintop Removal Mining process. The top of a mountain is bulldozed off into the valley below to reveal a seam of coal which is then easy to dig up. That makes for more profits and a bigger check for Bobby Joe.
There's a problem though. The toxic waste dumped into the valley has polluted the stream there. That stream is the source of Bobby Joe's drinking water. Soon his whole family becomes sick. That's the social issue of this example. When companies are left to focus only on profits, people get left out.
Yes, people are the ones who are the investors and yes they profit from FMC, but not everyone gets the opportunity to invest. Many people can only invest in their day to day living expenses. But even investors can be harmed by the unfettered drive for higher and higher profits. True believers in FMC simply don't see an objection to any of that. More money allows them to do whatever it is they want to do with that extra money. Unless, of course, they find themselves harmed by the FMC.
Socialism on the other hand cares nothing for profits or losses, but only for the best interests of people. Better care, better living and working conditions, all of that is all that counts for the true Socialist. Neither system is anywhere near perfect. What's needed is an amalgam of the two ideas. The problem is that, like our government, neither side will consider the valid points of the other side.
Let's take a hypothetical example. Bobby Joe, of West Virginia has a wealthy uncle who dies. The uncle leaves Bobby Joe $100,000. Bobby Joe, being a smart fella invests the 100 grand in a coalmining company. The company is profitable because it started using the so called Mountaintop Removal Mining process. The top of a mountain is bulldozed off into the valley below to reveal a seam of coal which is then easy to dig up. That makes for more profits and a bigger check for Bobby Joe.
There's a problem though. The toxic waste dumped into the valley has polluted the stream there. That stream is the source of Bobby Joe's drinking water. Soon his whole family becomes sick. That's the social issue of this example. When companies are left to focus only on profits, people get left out.
Yes, people are the ones who are the investors and yes they profit from FMC, but not everyone gets the opportunity to invest. Many people can only invest in their day to day living expenses. But even investors can be harmed by the unfettered drive for higher and higher profits. True believers in FMC simply don't see an objection to any of that. More money allows them to do whatever it is they want to do with that extra money. Unless, of course, they find themselves harmed by the FMC.
Socialism on the other hand cares nothing for profits or losses, but only for the best interests of people. Better care, better living and working conditions, all of that is all that counts for the true Socialist. Neither system is anywhere near perfect. What's needed is an amalgam of the two ideas. The problem is that, like our government, neither side will consider the valid points of the other side.
Why The Rush.
Since January the Environmental Protection Agency has cut back or cut out regulations on vehicle emissions, toxic waste from power plants to methane leaks from gas and oil drilling wells. Now it's set to deregulate the drinking water of a third of Americans, about 117 million people. Why the rush to do this is incomprehensible.
The "Waters of the United States Rule" covers all navigable rivers, streams and lakes. But now the EPA wants to eliminate the rule first and then decide what to protect and what shouldn't be. Now wouldn't it make more sense to decide which waters need to be protected first and then deregulate the others if necessary? I mean it's not like anyone is harmed by water that's too clean. Well, okay, my son used to say it hurt to get a bath, but he outgrew of that.
The whole purpose of those regulations was to preserve good clean drinking water for a whole lot of people. Some of the worst polluters in the country are all smiles because of the new EPA's decision, so that should tell you something. It may be that some waters should be deregulated. Maybe the river you get your drinking water from should be one of them, although somehow I think you'd wind up unhappy if they did.
There always seems to be a rush to make changes without thinking in this new administration instead of thinking it over, looking into the problems, if there are any, and then deciding. It's a procedure being used over and over and it's got to be for political purposes. Make a big splash for the base then try to handle the mess you've created. I guess when you can't get anything else done, you have to grab and destroy anything you can, even if it's seed corn.
The "Waters of the United States Rule" covers all navigable rivers, streams and lakes. But now the EPA wants to eliminate the rule first and then decide what to protect and what shouldn't be. Now wouldn't it make more sense to decide which waters need to be protected first and then deregulate the others if necessary? I mean it's not like anyone is harmed by water that's too clean. Well, okay, my son used to say it hurt to get a bath, but he outgrew of that.
The whole purpose of those regulations was to preserve good clean drinking water for a whole lot of people. Some of the worst polluters in the country are all smiles because of the new EPA's decision, so that should tell you something. It may be that some waters should be deregulated. Maybe the river you get your drinking water from should be one of them, although somehow I think you'd wind up unhappy if they did.
There always seems to be a rush to make changes without thinking in this new administration instead of thinking it over, looking into the problems, if there are any, and then deciding. It's a procedure being used over and over and it's got to be for political purposes. Make a big splash for the base then try to handle the mess you've created. I guess when you can't get anything else done, you have to grab and destroy anything you can, even if it's seed corn.
Sunday, July 2, 2017
A Gun Too Far.
Have you heard this one? Two guys in a nightclub in Little Rock got into an argument and started shooting. Twenty five people are wounded. It's reported that this was not terror related. Except that a lot of folks must have been terror-stricken. This is not a case of Good Guys With Guns Stop Bad Guys With Guns.
This story in the news today tells us that while guns don't kill people, even supposedly good guys with gun do kill people with guns. So its time for the NRA to stop lying to the public and start being honest for a change. There are simply too many guns out there and too many are allowed places where they shouldn't be. A drinking establishment isn't the smartest place to bring guns. That's because there are too many power drinkers.
I don't know if these two shooters were drunk, but I'll bet they had had at least a few too many. Of course a single tragic event doesn't necessarily change the rhetoric, but it should give pause to reflect. Just how necessary is it for every American to have a gun? The founding fathers could never have envisioned so many people living so close with so many guns. There are more than enough guns already to ward off any attack on our freedom, either foreign or domestic.
Assault rifles and high capacity handguns are only good for one thing. Killing people. All the kindly talk in the world can't change that fact. They just aren't good for anything else. Well, actually there is one other thing they're good for. They make an extraordinary amount of money for the gun manufacturers and for the NRA. Is that why we need so many? In so many places? For profits?
This story in the news today tells us that while guns don't kill people, even supposedly good guys with gun do kill people with guns. So its time for the NRA to stop lying to the public and start being honest for a change. There are simply too many guns out there and too many are allowed places where they shouldn't be. A drinking establishment isn't the smartest place to bring guns. That's because there are too many power drinkers.
I don't know if these two shooters were drunk, but I'll bet they had had at least a few too many. Of course a single tragic event doesn't necessarily change the rhetoric, but it should give pause to reflect. Just how necessary is it for every American to have a gun? The founding fathers could never have envisioned so many people living so close with so many guns. There are more than enough guns already to ward off any attack on our freedom, either foreign or domestic.
Assault rifles and high capacity handguns are only good for one thing. Killing people. All the kindly talk in the world can't change that fact. They just aren't good for anything else. Well, actually there is one other thing they're good for. They make an extraordinary amount of money for the gun manufacturers and for the NRA. Is that why we need so many? In so many places? For profits?
Friday, June 30, 2017
Long Arm, Short Sighted
President Trump appointed a commission in March to look into the country's elections and try to improve it as well as to look for flaws. It's called Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. Now that was a good idea and worthy of our president. We need to know our electoral process is safe and cannot be abused.
But now the Commission has sent a letter to all fifty states instructing them to send copies of all voter rolls to the commission within two weeks. The information should include all names, addresses and if available social security numbers. But worst of all the letter states that all information will be made public. So now people can look up your information and get everything they need to commit fraud against you, and they can get it from the U. S. Government, legally.
What does that say for government overreach? Do you really want the federal government to have that information about you if they're willing to share it with the public in general? A national data base for elections has been talked about for some years, but not a public one that shares your very private information.
Here's the problem. You have no say as to whether or not the state you live in will comply with the letter. You don't control that information, your state does. And two weeks isn't much time to organize against it.
Why does the federal government need social security numbers for voter registrations? And even if they do have a need for that information why would they be willing to share it with the public? If you ask me, the letter was poorly thought out. Such information should be jealously guarded. Vice President Mike Pence chairs this commission. If he had anything to do with this letter, shame on him.
But now the Commission has sent a letter to all fifty states instructing them to send copies of all voter rolls to the commission within two weeks. The information should include all names, addresses and if available social security numbers. But worst of all the letter states that all information will be made public. So now people can look up your information and get everything they need to commit fraud against you, and they can get it from the U. S. Government, legally.
What does that say for government overreach? Do you really want the federal government to have that information about you if they're willing to share it with the public in general? A national data base for elections has been talked about for some years, but not a public one that shares your very private information.
Here's the problem. You have no say as to whether or not the state you live in will comply with the letter. You don't control that information, your state does. And two weeks isn't much time to organize against it.
Why does the federal government need social security numbers for voter registrations? And even if they do have a need for that information why would they be willing to share it with the public? If you ask me, the letter was poorly thought out. Such information should be jealously guarded. Vice President Mike Pence chairs this commission. If he had anything to do with this letter, shame on him.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Insecurity 101
Did you happen to see Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning? If you didn't, you missed the solid proof of our president's insecurity. President Trump has hanging in all his golf clubs around the country a picture of the front cover of Time magazine on which he is featured. It also prominently mentions his reality show, the Apprentice.
So what's so insecure about showing off your being chosen to be on that cover? Well, perhaps it's that he was never chosen to be on the cover of Time. It's what you might call FAKE PHOTOGRAPHY. It never happened. And now, its unlikely he ever will be chosen for that honor.
Between crowd sizes to magazine covers, and much, much more, like a record pace of lies, many of which contradict earlier lies. This man who sits in charge of the worlds mightiest military and seems to be looking to pick a fight with Iran and Syria, I suspect because he knows we could crush both. If he winds up provoking a war what will that be? Another country we'll have troops in for the next fifteen to twenty years?
We're building up our forces in Afghanistan by up to 5000 troops. But saying troops doesn't do them justice. They're people like you and I. They live and breathe like us. They offered to go serve the country they love. They go to some far away place and some die there and some are so badly wounded they will never recover. Our government, our president needs to understand the importance of their gift to America and stop playing like he's the light of the world. His light is under a basket and can't be seen.
So what's so insecure about showing off your being chosen to be on that cover? Well, perhaps it's that he was never chosen to be on the cover of Time. It's what you might call FAKE PHOTOGRAPHY. It never happened. And now, its unlikely he ever will be chosen for that honor.
Between crowd sizes to magazine covers, and much, much more, like a record pace of lies, many of which contradict earlier lies. This man who sits in charge of the worlds mightiest military and seems to be looking to pick a fight with Iran and Syria, I suspect because he knows we could crush both. If he winds up provoking a war what will that be? Another country we'll have troops in for the next fifteen to twenty years?
We're building up our forces in Afghanistan by up to 5000 troops. But saying troops doesn't do them justice. They're people like you and I. They live and breathe like us. They offered to go serve the country they love. They go to some far away place and some die there and some are so badly wounded they will never recover. Our government, our president needs to understand the importance of their gift to America and stop playing like he's the light of the world. His light is under a basket and can't be seen.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
The Alternate Nation.
Tom Friedman has an important editorial in the New York Times today. Here's a small excerpt "I fear we're seeing the end of truth- that we can't agree any more on basic facts. And we're becoming Sunnis and Shiites- we call them "Democrats" and Republicans," but the sectarianism that has destroyed nation-states in the Middle East is now infecting us."
I hadn't heard it said quite like that before and I hadn't thought of our problems quite like that before, but I think Friedman is right. We're falling apart and it's because of lies, fake truths and alternative facts. There really is no such honest thing as alternative facts. A fact is a fact, or should be. A lie is not a replacement for a fact. It's an affront to a fact, an attack on that fact.
And when you get a substantial number of the electorate believing in those lies and alternative facts, even a minority of the electorate, it throws the whole American experiment out the window. And the thing is, it's not going to get better until or unless we see an end to the lies. Lies that are officially spread from the top of the hierarchy of our political system.
The longer it lasts, the more voters that believe in these alternative facts and lies, the more difficult it will be to set America back on an even keel. Once someone believes the lies, the harder it is to convince them they're wrong. Too many people are closed to the idea that the "other side' has anything worthwhile to say or hear.
To bad because the truth is really the truth and real facts are real. And the alternative to truth and facts just might be the downfall of a great nation. I sure hope the alternative won't be too ugly. But it certainly looks like it will be.
I hadn't heard it said quite like that before and I hadn't thought of our problems quite like that before, but I think Friedman is right. We're falling apart and it's because of lies, fake truths and alternative facts. There really is no such honest thing as alternative facts. A fact is a fact, or should be. A lie is not a replacement for a fact. It's an affront to a fact, an attack on that fact.
And when you get a substantial number of the electorate believing in those lies and alternative facts, even a minority of the electorate, it throws the whole American experiment out the window. And the thing is, it's not going to get better until or unless we see an end to the lies. Lies that are officially spread from the top of the hierarchy of our political system.
The longer it lasts, the more voters that believe in these alternative facts and lies, the more difficult it will be to set America back on an even keel. Once someone believes the lies, the harder it is to convince them they're wrong. Too many people are closed to the idea that the "other side' has anything worthwhile to say or hear.
To bad because the truth is really the truth and real facts are real. And the alternative to truth and facts just might be the downfall of a great nation. I sure hope the alternative won't be too ugly. But it certainly looks like it will be.
Monday, June 19, 2017
Immigrants Or Not.
There's no question we're between a rock and a hard place on immigration. If we're not very careful about who we allow to come to America, we run the risk of allowing a terrorist in. Of course there's lots of ways for them to sneak in anyway, but there is that risk. And you only have to look at Europe to see what happens when you overload the system of checks.
On the other hand if America cuts back on immigration, it eliminates most of the innovation and job growth that only immigrants create. That's right, Americans who have lived here for more than one or two generations simply don't have the, well whatever it takes to start businesses. But new people to this country seem to have the fire in the belly to create jobs. And that is what saves our economy.
So ya see, there's no easy answer. But I can tell ya that we tried isolationism once before and it was devastating. It cost us a second world war. If you don't pay attention to history, you are bound to repeat it. So let's be more careful about our immigration policy, let's let more immigrants in and let's welcome them with open arms. We need those jobs they create.
Our president doesn't seem to share this philosophy but then he doesn't share much of what the majority of Americans think or want. Oh he talks about doing things we want, but then he fails to deliver or even try to deliver on them. He proposes phony legislation, has big signing photo opts with him signing a proposal and calls it his legislative achievement, but its just a proposal and ,most likely has no chance of becoming law. It's a little like slight of hand. It's there but it isn't there.
On the other hand if America cuts back on immigration, it eliminates most of the innovation and job growth that only immigrants create. That's right, Americans who have lived here for more than one or two generations simply don't have the, well whatever it takes to start businesses. But new people to this country seem to have the fire in the belly to create jobs. And that is what saves our economy.
So ya see, there's no easy answer. But I can tell ya that we tried isolationism once before and it was devastating. It cost us a second world war. If you don't pay attention to history, you are bound to repeat it. So let's be more careful about our immigration policy, let's let more immigrants in and let's welcome them with open arms. We need those jobs they create.
Our president doesn't seem to share this philosophy but then he doesn't share much of what the majority of Americans think or want. Oh he talks about doing things we want, but then he fails to deliver or even try to deliver on them. He proposes phony legislation, has big signing photo opts with him signing a proposal and calls it his legislative achievement, but its just a proposal and ,most likely has no chance of becoming law. It's a little like slight of hand. It's there but it isn't there.
Friday, June 16, 2017
One Plus One Equals Enough.
Rep. Steve Scalise was severely wounded by a crazed man while practicing for a baseball game with Democrats. It makes the second time a United States Congressman was shot by a crazed man. Rep. Gabby Gifford was shot several years ago, you many remember. One Republican, one Democrat. Now is the time to stop and reflect on whether or not the rhetoric of the recent past is a wise course of action. The vitriol that emanates from politicians of all stripes is bad enough, but the stories coming from Cable News outlets is astounding in their dislike for the "OTHER" party.
Lies abound, pure hatred is easily seen in the commentary. Do we really need this level of indecency? Is it really helpful to either party? No. What it is for the Cable News outlets is M.O.N.E.Y. When they speak those dangerous lies about their opponents it brings out the worst in the listeners, who are happy to carry on the hatred of the other side.
It all causes our civil discourse to disappear. But it does make for a ton of profits for the likes of CNN, FOX and MSNBC. Freedom of speech is basic to our freedom. Cable news understands this and uses it to spread their venom. And far too many people only listen to that news report that agrees with their choice of party affiliation.
And there's the real problem We the People allow ourselves to be lied to and think its the truth.
Well folks, it ain't the truth. If you don't watch and listen to both sides of every issue, you are not getting the truth. And therefore you're reacting with your own lies. Now we've had one Democrat Congressman and one Republican Congressman severely wounded by gunfire. It'd be nice if that was the last.
Lies abound, pure hatred is easily seen in the commentary. Do we really need this level of indecency? Is it really helpful to either party? No. What it is for the Cable News outlets is M.O.N.E.Y. When they speak those dangerous lies about their opponents it brings out the worst in the listeners, who are happy to carry on the hatred of the other side.
It all causes our civil discourse to disappear. But it does make for a ton of profits for the likes of CNN, FOX and MSNBC. Freedom of speech is basic to our freedom. Cable news understands this and uses it to spread their venom. And far too many people only listen to that news report that agrees with their choice of party affiliation.
And there's the real problem We the People allow ourselves to be lied to and think its the truth.
Well folks, it ain't the truth. If you don't watch and listen to both sides of every issue, you are not getting the truth. And therefore you're reacting with your own lies. Now we've had one Democrat Congressman and one Republican Congressman severely wounded by gunfire. It'd be nice if that was the last.
Monday, June 12, 2017
Two Isn't Enough.
Ya know, I can't help thinking we're headed for a three party system in this country, and I think that might be a good thing. Let's face it the far right of the Republican party is already pretty well set as it's own party. They're so set in their demands for purity that nobody can even look across the isle at a democrat.
Then there's the far left of the Democratic party. They seem to be headed for the same purity. They won't even look at the progressive wing of their our party. Then you have the middle of both parties. Moderate Republicans and progressive Democrats in the middle would need to come together in the spirit of cooperation. Now there's a novel idea.
The problem is that this middle party, while having a majority over either end of the spectrum, wouldn't have a majority of Congress or the American voters. The only difference is that at least everyone would be honest in where they stand. The Tea Partiers would be holding their AK47s and the Sanders Soldiers would be standing there with their brooms to sweep away anything that didn't seem fair and honest.
As for the Middle Men, they'd still be OWMIC (Old Whit Men In Charge) without the support to do anything. I suppose this three party system would solve nothing, but if everyone were required to change the names of the parties they're registered with and none of the three parties were allowed to use Republican or Democrat in their names it might require every citizen the give a a little thought to what party they'd like their name emblazoned with.
Then there's the far left of the Democratic party. They seem to be headed for the same purity. They won't even look at the progressive wing of their our party. Then you have the middle of both parties. Moderate Republicans and progressive Democrats in the middle would need to come together in the spirit of cooperation. Now there's a novel idea.
The problem is that this middle party, while having a majority over either end of the spectrum, wouldn't have a majority of Congress or the American voters. The only difference is that at least everyone would be honest in where they stand. The Tea Partiers would be holding their AK47s and the Sanders Soldiers would be standing there with their brooms to sweep away anything that didn't seem fair and honest.
As for the Middle Men, they'd still be OWMIC (Old Whit Men In Charge) without the support to do anything. I suppose this three party system would solve nothing, but if everyone were required to change the names of the parties they're registered with and none of the three parties were allowed to use Republican or Democrat in their names it might require every citizen the give a a little thought to what party they'd like their name emblazoned with.
Friday, June 9, 2017
I Love A good Fairy Tale, Don't you?
Well Toto, even Kansas isn't in Kansas any more. Gov. Sam Brownback, who practiced the Trickle Down principal in Kansas' stupendous downfall got his comeuppance. After multiple financial credit downgrades, huge shortfalls for everything from revenue to school funding, the state legislature handed him a stinging rebuke by overriding his veto of a $1.2 billion tax increase this week.
He still believes in the voodoo of the trickle. He passed out large tax cuts to anyone who could prove they were wealthy, assuming they would spend those savings on jobs and increased business. And just as predictable as the turning of the earth, they disappointed him. But he's still a believer just like President Trump. All you have to do is give the wealthy more tax savings and, presto, they'll start shelling out wage increases and jobs to everyone who actually needs a helping hand. Now about that bridge I offered to sell you.
Even speaker Paul Ryan, a former confidant of Brownback still believes in the Trickle. It tickles me to think that these yahoos actually think that any thinking person could actually buy into such drivel, well except the recipients of the tax breaks to start with. It's the worst sort of pyramid scheme because its a reverse Robin Hood rip off.
Anyway Brownback is on his way to the scrapheap of history and a well deserved hearty Hi Ho Silver Away. Can you imagine thinking that greedy rich people would be willing to share in any tax relief they get with commoners? They'd sooner cut their big toe off. At the neck.
He still believes in the voodoo of the trickle. He passed out large tax cuts to anyone who could prove they were wealthy, assuming they would spend those savings on jobs and increased business. And just as predictable as the turning of the earth, they disappointed him. But he's still a believer just like President Trump. All you have to do is give the wealthy more tax savings and, presto, they'll start shelling out wage increases and jobs to everyone who actually needs a helping hand. Now about that bridge I offered to sell you.
Even speaker Paul Ryan, a former confidant of Brownback still believes in the Trickle. It tickles me to think that these yahoos actually think that any thinking person could actually buy into such drivel, well except the recipients of the tax breaks to start with. It's the worst sort of pyramid scheme because its a reverse Robin Hood rip off.
Anyway Brownback is on his way to the scrapheap of history and a well deserved hearty Hi Ho Silver Away. Can you imagine thinking that greedy rich people would be willing to share in any tax relief they get with commoners? They'd sooner cut their big toe off. At the neck.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Your Tax Dollars At Work.
Here's an email I just got today. Now I ask you, how hard can their job be? My youngest grandson could do it.
House Minority Leader pictured standing, far right, speaks while colleagues play solitaire Monday night as the House convened to vote on a new budget. (AP)The guy sitting in the row in front of these two....he's on Facebook, and the guy behind Hennessy is checking out the baseball scores.These are the folks that couldn't get the budget out by Oct. 1, and are about to control your health care, cap and trade, and the list goes on and on. Should we buy them larger screen computers - or -
a ticket home, permanently?
This is one of their 3-DAY WORK WEEKS that we all pay for (salary is about $179,000 per year).
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Court Jesters And Such.
Well, the real story is beginning to filter through on Trump's visit abroad. Turns out his shining moments were a bit covered in sand. Like the 100 billion dollar arms deal he magically brokered. All except more than half of it was brokered during the Obama presidency. And then there's the fact that they haven't paid for the stuff they've already bought from us.
Not only that, but Trump has fallen into the same trap that most, if not all, other presidents have done. By that I mean that Saudi Arabia is the number one sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East and perhaps the world and he's picking their side in this diplomatic war with Qatar. Ya think he's negotiating the rights to a hotel somewhere among the dunes?
But really, to claim you made a deal for a big sale that will bring millions of jobs to America when the deal (which isn't really a deal yet and won't be for some considerable time, if at all) was actually initiated by a previous administration is, well let's just say it's not true. And if something is not true, then it's very like a lie.
Now, I know, I know, Donald Trump is our president. And as such he is to be given some considerable deference. Just remember there's a difference between deference and difference. I respect the office of the Presidency of the United States. I wonder if Mr. Trump does also? Because it certainly doesn't seem like he does. He lies more that a drunken "lady of the evening."
Did I say lie. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe his pronouncements on Twitter are not lies but subterfuge intended to confuse our enemies. Naw, they're just plain old, run of the mill, out and out lies. At least one a day. What kind of president is this? At the very least he should be stripped of the title. Call him Court Jester in Chief if ya need a title.
Not only that, but Trump has fallen into the same trap that most, if not all, other presidents have done. By that I mean that Saudi Arabia is the number one sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East and perhaps the world and he's picking their side in this diplomatic war with Qatar. Ya think he's negotiating the rights to a hotel somewhere among the dunes?
But really, to claim you made a deal for a big sale that will bring millions of jobs to America when the deal (which isn't really a deal yet and won't be for some considerable time, if at all) was actually initiated by a previous administration is, well let's just say it's not true. And if something is not true, then it's very like a lie.
Now, I know, I know, Donald Trump is our president. And as such he is to be given some considerable deference. Just remember there's a difference between deference and difference. I respect the office of the Presidency of the United States. I wonder if Mr. Trump does also? Because it certainly doesn't seem like he does. He lies more that a drunken "lady of the evening."
Did I say lie. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe his pronouncements on Twitter are not lies but subterfuge intended to confuse our enemies. Naw, they're just plain old, run of the mill, out and out lies. At least one a day. What kind of president is this? At the very least he should be stripped of the title. Call him Court Jester in Chief if ya need a title.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
He Kept His Promise?
Well, it's done. We've finally shown ourselves to be unfit to be considered leaders of the free world. Actually most of us didn't show any such thing. We just allowed our president to show he's no longer the leader of the free world. Yep, we've joined Nicaragua and Syria as one of the gang of three who seem to know better than the rest of the world and most Americans, not to mention the vast majority of scientists who believe global warming is a huge threat to our planet.
But after all, Trump did promise to pull out of the Paris accord. So he kept his word. We may well fall behind in the energy industry. We may become a second rate country as a result, but hey, he kept his word. Grover Norquest is proud of his president. You remember Grover. He's the guy who won't allow any Republican Congressman to vote in favor of any kind of tax. Apparently even a carbon tax, even to save our environment.
Now, after a few years, we'll al be able to cough louder then we can now. We'll have to in order to semi-clear our lungs. The funny thing is, even the two other biggest polluters in the world, China and India see and realize the need to stop polluting our only environment. When it's shot, we're shot. But Trump kept his promise and that's what really counts. His base loves him. I wonder if they understand the problems they're handing their grandchildren.
They think they're saving coal mining jobs. What they're really doing is hurting far more clean energy jobs. Coal is a dying industry. It's never coming back and that's a good thing. The short sighted decision made by President Trump has taken away our leadership in the world and we may never be able to get it back. But he kept his promise.
But after all, Trump did promise to pull out of the Paris accord. So he kept his word. We may well fall behind in the energy industry. We may become a second rate country as a result, but hey, he kept his word. Grover Norquest is proud of his president. You remember Grover. He's the guy who won't allow any Republican Congressman to vote in favor of any kind of tax. Apparently even a carbon tax, even to save our environment.
Now, after a few years, we'll al be able to cough louder then we can now. We'll have to in order to semi-clear our lungs. The funny thing is, even the two other biggest polluters in the world, China and India see and realize the need to stop polluting our only environment. When it's shot, we're shot. But Trump kept his promise and that's what really counts. His base loves him. I wonder if they understand the problems they're handing their grandchildren.
They think they're saving coal mining jobs. What they're really doing is hurting far more clean energy jobs. Coal is a dying industry. It's never coming back and that's a good thing. The short sighted decision made by President Trump has taken away our leadership in the world and we may never be able to get it back. But he kept his promise.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
It's Somebody Elses Fault, Right?
Have you noticed how President Trump has waged war against the news media? Of course you must have. And of course that's been his MOA as long as he's been a political figure. Anyone who finds fault with him has been given the one, two, three punch. But especially the media. He's labeled them the "Fake News" people. Actually the only real fake news is FOX, aka Faux news.
Why do you suppose he does that? Because he can get away with it. But its the media that is charged with the responsibility of keeping government and politicians honest. Unfortunately they don't do such a good job of it, but it is their job. Even FOX News. It's not a witch hunt to investigate any politician if there's the slightest hint of impropriety. And with Trump, there's far more than a slight hint. He may be as pure as the driven snow, but...
Look at all the Congressional investigations against Hillary. Republicans tried and tried, to no avail. But they still investigated her all the more. She certainly didn't get out of trouble because of her sparkling personality. Now it's Trump and his family's turn.
You can't run for office simply to grow the family business although that seems to have been his primary goal. You can't run for office without at least having some slight interest in what the job entails and wanting to learn how to do it. But Mr. Trump seems to have done exactly that. He seemed to have labored under the illusion that if elected he could run our government like he ran his business empire, all by himself.
The very rich love him because the promise of far greater wealth, for them, is overpowering to them. They care not for the commoners, only for their own greed. The motto for them is "Let em eat cake." It's a sad commentary for a class of people who could be of great help to the down-trodden.
Why do you suppose he does that? Because he can get away with it. But its the media that is charged with the responsibility of keeping government and politicians honest. Unfortunately they don't do such a good job of it, but it is their job. Even FOX News. It's not a witch hunt to investigate any politician if there's the slightest hint of impropriety. And with Trump, there's far more than a slight hint. He may be as pure as the driven snow, but...
Look at all the Congressional investigations against Hillary. Republicans tried and tried, to no avail. But they still investigated her all the more. She certainly didn't get out of trouble because of her sparkling personality. Now it's Trump and his family's turn.
You can't run for office simply to grow the family business although that seems to have been his primary goal. You can't run for office without at least having some slight interest in what the job entails and wanting to learn how to do it. But Mr. Trump seems to have done exactly that. He seemed to have labored under the illusion that if elected he could run our government like he ran his business empire, all by himself.
The very rich love him because the promise of far greater wealth, for them, is overpowering to them. They care not for the commoners, only for their own greed. The motto for them is "Let em eat cake." It's a sad commentary for a class of people who could be of great help to the down-trodden.
Monday, May 29, 2017
He Comes From On High.
Ya know, we shouldn't be concerned about Jared Kushner being involved with Russia. After all, even President Trump has called him a "good person." On the other hand it's been shown that sixty nine point nine percent, that's 69.9% of everything Trump says is factually untrue. But getting back to Kushner, his business is real estate. He's in rentals big time. He's what's commonly known as a "slum lord" and everything distasteful about that connotation.
So why should we worry about Jared? After all, he may well be the smartest guy in the White House these days. On the other hand, being smart doesn't automatically mean trustworthy. On the one hand, if he is and or was trying to open back street communications with Russia, it may just have been an attempt to buy up some sub-standard housing units in Moscow.
And by the way, what is meant be the term slum lord? That's the kind of land lord who never fixes problems with his housing units but always goes after tenants for every dime they have whether they owe him or not. And of course if you're rich enough, you can afford pricey lawyers to sue on your behalf. The tenants don't have those kinds of lawyers. It's a rich man's perk.
So you can ask anyone connected with Trump's White House and they'll tell you Jared is a good person. They'd better, if they know what's good for them. After all, he knows more about each and everyone's jobs and the potential for their individual firings if that's in the wind, then any of those White House hanger's on. I hope this helps you understand how important to our Security, business interests, healthcare, education, defense, intelligence, and general well being, Jared truly is.
So why should we worry about Jared? After all, he may well be the smartest guy in the White House these days. On the other hand, being smart doesn't automatically mean trustworthy. On the one hand, if he is and or was trying to open back street communications with Russia, it may just have been an attempt to buy up some sub-standard housing units in Moscow.
And by the way, what is meant be the term slum lord? That's the kind of land lord who never fixes problems with his housing units but always goes after tenants for every dime they have whether they owe him or not. And of course if you're rich enough, you can afford pricey lawyers to sue on your behalf. The tenants don't have those kinds of lawyers. It's a rich man's perk.
So you can ask anyone connected with Trump's White House and they'll tell you Jared is a good person. They'd better, if they know what's good for them. After all, he knows more about each and everyone's jobs and the potential for their individual firings if that's in the wind, then any of those White House hanger's on. I hope this helps you understand how important to our Security, business interests, healthcare, education, defense, intelligence, and general well being, Jared truly is.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Nits & Lice.
Well, President Pushy seems to be doing well on his maiden foreign trip. Ahh all except with our most secure friends and partners. That's where the new nick name comes in. First he told them all in NATO they were ,in effect, cheating us. Then when he realized there was a photo op and he wasn't in the front row, he pushed aside the head of Montenegro to get out front. It wasn't quite a body slam, but you could see he had no qualms about pushing aside anyone who happened to be in his way when it came to his, not so smiling faced and a camera.
So now instead of "The Donald", you can call him "The Pushiest president ever." President Pushy Trump. Kinda has a ring to it, doesn't it. It's like that just elected Idaho Congressman Gianforte who did body slam a reporter. I guess he'll be called "Slammer" from now on, or should be. He was supported by Trump and is a big supporter of Trump. Birds of a feather, don't cha know.
So what else is new? Trump's meeting with the Pope was mercifully short. That was a good thing. All in all, so far, he's batting pretty good, but as John Boehner, former Speaker of the House, said he's a disaster. He's still learning. And another former advisor to Trump in his primary campaign, this one with ties to organized crime is being looked into again. I'll say this for Trump. He knows how to get things done. One way or another.
And while I don't think they mean much. even Faux News polls show Trump at his lowest approval ratings ever at 40%. And that's FOX. Imagine what the others see him at. If he doesn't turn things around, he'll be in minus territory by election time.
So now instead of "The Donald", you can call him "The Pushiest president ever." President Pushy Trump. Kinda has a ring to it, doesn't it. It's like that just elected Idaho Congressman Gianforte who did body slam a reporter. I guess he'll be called "Slammer" from now on, or should be. He was supported by Trump and is a big supporter of Trump. Birds of a feather, don't cha know.
So what else is new? Trump's meeting with the Pope was mercifully short. That was a good thing. All in all, so far, he's batting pretty good, but as John Boehner, former Speaker of the House, said he's a disaster. He's still learning. And another former advisor to Trump in his primary campaign, this one with ties to organized crime is being looked into again. I'll say this for Trump. He knows how to get things done. One way or another.
And while I don't think they mean much. even Faux News polls show Trump at his lowest approval ratings ever at 40%. And that's FOX. Imagine what the others see him at. If he doesn't turn things around, he'll be in minus territory by election time.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Trickle A Trillion.
When is a tax cut not a tax cut? If the President's proposed budget were to be enacted, it would mean an increase of as much as $10.8 trillion dollars to the deficit. but it's the tax cuts I'm curios about. The overwhelming amount of those cuts would go to the wealthy. But that's not what I'm talking about. after all that's the way tax cuts work anyway.
But for the poor, the paltry tax cuts they would receive pale in comparison to the losses they would feel by the cuts to such things a food stamps, Medicaid, temporary assistance for needy families and a host of other programs. Hundreds of billions slashed from Medicaid and more from the social welfare programs, but about $5.5 Trillion in tax cuts for the rich?
How do you get 5.5 trillion from 600 + billion? Phony math. Actually, it's no deep dark secret. You just add it onto our national debt. After all, as the story goes, we all die anyway. The way the politicians seem to see it is if we're all gonna die anyway, lets enjoy ourselves to the hilt before we do. Now that's okay for the rich and politically connected, but what about the majority.
The majority of Americans aren't rich or connected. We're just slogging along hoping to make ends meet. And then when the Politicians play reverse Robin Hood with what little we do have, well let's just say we don't get to join in the enjoyment. Now I don't mean to suggest the Politicians don't throw us a bone. After all they promise that by giving to the rich that somehow that wealth will somehow trickle down to us. They've been promising that for forty years. We're still waiting.
But for the poor, the paltry tax cuts they would receive pale in comparison to the losses they would feel by the cuts to such things a food stamps, Medicaid, temporary assistance for needy families and a host of other programs. Hundreds of billions slashed from Medicaid and more from the social welfare programs, but about $5.5 Trillion in tax cuts for the rich?
How do you get 5.5 trillion from 600 + billion? Phony math. Actually, it's no deep dark secret. You just add it onto our national debt. After all, as the story goes, we all die anyway. The way the politicians seem to see it is if we're all gonna die anyway, lets enjoy ourselves to the hilt before we do. Now that's okay for the rich and politically connected, but what about the majority.
The majority of Americans aren't rich or connected. We're just slogging along hoping to make ends meet. And then when the Politicians play reverse Robin Hood with what little we do have, well let's just say we don't get to join in the enjoyment. Now I don't mean to suggest the Politicians don't throw us a bone. After all they promise that by giving to the rich that somehow that wealth will somehow trickle down to us. They've been promising that for forty years. We're still waiting.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Budgets And Stuff.
President Trump is about to present his vision of a budget. It includes 2.6 billion for border security including starting the wall. It also includes 800 billion to be taken from Medicaid. So, 800 minus 2.6 equals minus 797.4 billion from Medicaid. Where do you suppose that nearly 800 billion will go. Here's a hint. He's also proposing huge tax cuts for the wealthy. You don't suppose those two are related, do you?
He's also proposing a huge increase for the military. Just what does the military need? I've been thinking about that for a while now. So let's see. He talked about cutting the budget for the Coast Guard. But the Coast Guard has a very large responsibility for our safety. If anything it probably needs an increase. What about the Army? I think they need to cut the size of the standing army and convert it to the ready reserve. Then increase the size of it's Special Forces and rapid response sections.
Then there's the Navy. We already have the largest Navy in the world. Russia has one rather poor carrier. China is building some carriers, but they can hardly go up against any of ours. But I'm sure not an authority on the needs of the Navy. How about the Marines? Well, I think they need to be enlarged to provide a hard hitting presence wherever needed, giving the necessary time to bring up the Army Reserves if and where necessary.
That leaves the Airforce. Again I'm not sure of the needs the Airforce has other then it's nuclear responsibilities. I understand our Nuclear arsenal needs modernization. That'll be expensive. It's likely that extra funding may be necessary for the Military. I'm not convinced it must be huge.
My biggest question is why do the least able to pay for increases always seem to be to folks who must pay while the most comfortable reap the advantages of the those doing the painful paying? Wouldn't it be something if someday the rich were billed for increases to the military or to build a useless wall and to give aid to a few more poor and struggling? Huh, pipe dreams.
He's also proposing a huge increase for the military. Just what does the military need? I've been thinking about that for a while now. So let's see. He talked about cutting the budget for the Coast Guard. But the Coast Guard has a very large responsibility for our safety. If anything it probably needs an increase. What about the Army? I think they need to cut the size of the standing army and convert it to the ready reserve. Then increase the size of it's Special Forces and rapid response sections.
Then there's the Navy. We already have the largest Navy in the world. Russia has one rather poor carrier. China is building some carriers, but they can hardly go up against any of ours. But I'm sure not an authority on the needs of the Navy. How about the Marines? Well, I think they need to be enlarged to provide a hard hitting presence wherever needed, giving the necessary time to bring up the Army Reserves if and where necessary.
That leaves the Airforce. Again I'm not sure of the needs the Airforce has other then it's nuclear responsibilities. I understand our Nuclear arsenal needs modernization. That'll be expensive. It's likely that extra funding may be necessary for the Military. I'm not convinced it must be huge.
My biggest question is why do the least able to pay for increases always seem to be to folks who must pay while the most comfortable reap the advantages of the those doing the painful paying? Wouldn't it be something if someday the rich were billed for increases to the military or to build a useless wall and to give aid to a few more poor and struggling? Huh, pipe dreams.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
What's Next For The Veep?
Why is it, do you suppose, that vice President Mike Pence continues to be so loyal to a man he must know is unbalanced? No matter how foolish Trump acts, no matter how close he comes to actually breaking laws that could well see the end of his presidency, no matter how many of his most trusted associates he slaughters, Mike Pence still follows his lead like a loving puppy dog.
Is Mr. Pence in hopes that he will soon take the step up to the Oval Office? How much does he believe of what Trump says or does? Do you suppose Pence is just acting like a yes man willing to say or do whatever Trump expects him to do or say? Of course he's the one hanger-on at the White House that President Trump can't fire.
So if Trump can't fire him, what does he have to fear but fear itself. Do you suppose he agrees with the way Trump is handling his leadership role? Does Pence think it's okay to act like the buffoon he is? What's inside the head of this man who could very conceivably become the next president, prematurely? Is he a plotter? A believer in Trump? Trump seems to know that his Veep is willing to follow his directions to the letter no matter he may change direction at any moment.
It's past time for us to get some answers about the workings of this mans mind, because he could sooner or later become our next commander in chief. Will he try to follow Trumps lead? Soften the cruel impact of Trump's proposed legislation ? Harden it? Or will he run the train off the tracks like his boss seems to be trying to do? He was a hardliner as a Governor.
Is Mr. Pence in hopes that he will soon take the step up to the Oval Office? How much does he believe of what Trump says or does? Do you suppose Pence is just acting like a yes man willing to say or do whatever Trump expects him to do or say? Of course he's the one hanger-on at the White House that President Trump can't fire.
So if Trump can't fire him, what does he have to fear but fear itself. Do you suppose he agrees with the way Trump is handling his leadership role? Does Pence think it's okay to act like the buffoon he is? What's inside the head of this man who could very conceivably become the next president, prematurely? Is he a plotter? A believer in Trump? Trump seems to know that his Veep is willing to follow his directions to the letter no matter he may change direction at any moment.
It's past time for us to get some answers about the workings of this mans mind, because he could sooner or later become our next commander in chief. Will he try to follow Trumps lead? Soften the cruel impact of Trump's proposed legislation ? Harden it? Or will he run the train off the tracks like his boss seems to be trying to do? He was a hardliner as a Governor.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
I just heard this morning that Putin has made a statement that he would provide the proof of the meeting between Trump and the Russian Ambassador. Well, of course he could. The Russians were the only news media present in the room except for Trump and the two Russians. But what does it say that the Russian president is ready to stand up for the United States president?
Now add that to the Firing of Comey after asking him to stop investigating one of his favored staff which he later had to fire anyway. And why did he have to fire Comey? Because of the nasty way he treated Hillary. Really?
Now the president has the right to declassify any information he chooses. And he has the right to share any information he wishes with anyone he wishes. But to Russia? The thing is this information came from an ally as highly classified. Didn't he have the responsibility to clear it with that ally before sharing it with the Russians? Obviously Trump didn't think so.
Then consider Jeff Sessions taking part in selecting the next FBI head. Jeff Sessions, who was caught lying to Congress about having any communications with Russia, who had to recuse himself from having any part in the FBI investigations into the Russia/Trump campaign. Now he's taking part in the selection process to choose the person who will lead that same investigation.
Does any of this seem to have a bad odor to you? Are you concerned that any of this is costing us any of our freedoms or rights, or do you think this is a proper way to run a government? It's not as though they're setting up any death camps, but it does seem to me that no matter what, the leadership of Congress seems willing to go along to get along. Except that they can't accomplish anything because the president won't allow anything to happen except the next fiasco.
Now add that to the Firing of Comey after asking him to stop investigating one of his favored staff which he later had to fire anyway. And why did he have to fire Comey? Because of the nasty way he treated Hillary. Really?
Now the president has the right to declassify any information he chooses. And he has the right to share any information he wishes with anyone he wishes. But to Russia? The thing is this information came from an ally as highly classified. Didn't he have the responsibility to clear it with that ally before sharing it with the Russians? Obviously Trump didn't think so.
Then consider Jeff Sessions taking part in selecting the next FBI head. Jeff Sessions, who was caught lying to Congress about having any communications with Russia, who had to recuse himself from having any part in the FBI investigations into the Russia/Trump campaign. Now he's taking part in the selection process to choose the person who will lead that same investigation.
Does any of this seem to have a bad odor to you? Are you concerned that any of this is costing us any of our freedoms or rights, or do you think this is a proper way to run a government? It's not as though they're setting up any death camps, but it does seem to me that no matter what, the leadership of Congress seems willing to go along to get along. Except that they can't accomplish anything because the president won't allow anything to happen except the next fiasco.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Another Example Of A Boob.
One of my all time favorite politicians and current Senator, Ted Cruz of Texas, got the opportunity to question former acting Attorney General Sally Yates about her refusal to defend President Trump's first travel ban yesterday. As a lawyer, of which I believe he is overly proud, he read a portion of a US code allowing the President to withhold entry visas of any group of foreigners who might pose a danger to our society.
He asked if she was aware of that provision with his usual superior attitude. But she, also a lawyer, of course, was ready for him. She responded that she was, in fact, aware of that code, but that she was also aware of another code which states that the President may not bar entry to America because of race, nationality or place of birth. This is exactly the point used to defeat that ban in the courts.
Senator Cruz seemed to be taken aback by that (as Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe called it) that home run. Once again Senator Cruz wound up with egg on his face looking like the fool he really is. It's hard to imagine why Texans continue to elect such buffoons. My guess is they have no real respect for our government. I have to admit, there are times I actually agree with their position. The Republican TrumpCare bill is a case in point.
The main thrust of the Senate hearings where Ms. Yates testified was the concerns she had about Michael Flynn and his lies and discussions with Russian spies. I'm afraid I just do not understand President Trump's continued defense of the man.
He asked if she was aware of that provision with his usual superior attitude. But she, also a lawyer, of course, was ready for him. She responded that she was, in fact, aware of that code, but that she was also aware of another code which states that the President may not bar entry to America because of race, nationality or place of birth. This is exactly the point used to defeat that ban in the courts.
Senator Cruz seemed to be taken aback by that (as Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe called it) that home run. Once again Senator Cruz wound up with egg on his face looking like the fool he really is. It's hard to imagine why Texans continue to elect such buffoons. My guess is they have no real respect for our government. I have to admit, there are times I actually agree with their position. The Republican TrumpCare bill is a case in point.
The main thrust of the Senate hearings where Ms. Yates testified was the concerns she had about Michael Flynn and his lies and discussions with Russian spies. I'm afraid I just do not understand President Trump's continued defense of the man.
Monday, May 8, 2017
Party Time For Poluters.
Just how well do you understand the role of the Environmental Protection Agency? If you look at the name, it pretty much tells you what it was designed to do. That is to say, it was designed to protect our environment. Now why would we want to protect our environment? You don't suppose it's because it's the only environment we have, do you?
Okay, if the idea is to protect our environment, wouldn't you think it should be peopled by scientists, people who study the environment in order do understand what's necessary to actually protect it? Funny, because that's exactly who were on the EPA. That is until Trump and his EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt decided to start firing those scientists and replacing them with representatives of the industries being regulated by the EPA.
It's a great idea to get rid of the watchdogs if you happen to be the fox. After all, who better to protect these industries from rules that protect us from polluted water and air? The savings to these industries could be huge. And of course any time there's a lot of money involved, you can bet there's a lot of interest on the part of industries who break the rules. After all, if they don't have to spend any money to comply, that's just more money in the pockets of those who run those industries, right?
So EPA Administrator Pruitt is considering replacing those scientists with those representatives of the polluting industries. The reason given is so they can have input into the costs of complying with tough rules. But didn't they have the right to have input before? They did. The question now is will the scientists have the right to input from now on?
Friday, May 5, 2017
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
The house of Representatives has passed a health plan bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, The Good. The Democrats are secretly elated because they think it means they will win the mid-term elections, The Bad. The new health plan bill has been read by almost nobody, and the really scary part is that nobody knows how much it might cost America, The Ugly.
The one point that has been made abundantly clear about this bill is that there will be a huge tax savings for the 0.1% of Americans that least need it. Of course the bill means nothing since it must now go to a Senate that will not pass it into law as it now stands. That's how our government was meant to work.
The problem isn't that our government is working as designed, the problem is that the two branches of the legislature don't have the slightest idea of how to communicate with each other. Heck, they don't even know how to communicate with their own people, never mind any other branch of government.
Why is it that no Democrats will honestly work with any Republicans to develop a healthcare plan that will work for all Americans? Why will no Republicans allow any Democrats to have input into any plan they devise? Why are both parties celebrating what is not an accomplishment at all?
The answer to all of the above questions is that there is nobody in Congress who is grown up enough to represent we the people. Yet we continue to elect these mental midgets. Might the real problem within this country be the fact that we don't deserve any better? At least not until we stop and think about our actions at the polls.
The one point that has been made abundantly clear about this bill is that there will be a huge tax savings for the 0.1% of Americans that least need it. Of course the bill means nothing since it must now go to a Senate that will not pass it into law as it now stands. That's how our government was meant to work.
The problem isn't that our government is working as designed, the problem is that the two branches of the legislature don't have the slightest idea of how to communicate with each other. Heck, they don't even know how to communicate with their own people, never mind any other branch of government.
Why is it that no Democrats will honestly work with any Republicans to develop a healthcare plan that will work for all Americans? Why will no Republicans allow any Democrats to have input into any plan they devise? Why are both parties celebrating what is not an accomplishment at all?
The answer to all of the above questions is that there is nobody in Congress who is grown up enough to represent we the people. Yet we continue to elect these mental midgets. Might the real problem within this country be the fact that we don't deserve any better? At least not until we stop and think about our actions at the polls.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Don't Forget The V.A.
I need to state some important points about the V.A. First, I hope that all Americans understand that the VA system serves only veterans who, whether peacetime or in combat, are done with war. They will never fight again. These men and women with broken bodies and minds and spirits were promised care for their medical needs by the American people and the Congress. Sometimes the VA gets bad press.
Let me tell you it is nearly always unfairly levied press. Funding for the VA comes from Congress. When we went to several wars art once, we guaranteed many hundreds of thousands more injured, but funding for the VA actually shrank. I ask you, how can the VA properly serve so many more veterans with less money?
My experience shows me that while the professionals who work for the VA make substantially less than they could in the private sector, they never the less preform greatly. I have never failed to receive a thank you for my service from some worker or specialist. For these people this is a solemn mission they provide for fallen soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen and women.
It's past time to demand that Congress live up to the promises made.
Let me tell you it is nearly always unfairly levied press. Funding for the VA comes from Congress. When we went to several wars art once, we guaranteed many hundreds of thousands more injured, but funding for the VA actually shrank. I ask you, how can the VA properly serve so many more veterans with less money?
My experience shows me that while the professionals who work for the VA make substantially less than they could in the private sector, they never the less preform greatly. I have never failed to receive a thank you for my service from some worker or specialist. For these people this is a solemn mission they provide for fallen soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen and women.
It's past time to demand that Congress live up to the promises made.
The Great American Shame.
In the time I spent in the hospital over the last three weeks, both in and out of consciousness, there are two subjects that come strongly to my mind. First and perhaps foremost is our Congress. Our great country stands on the threshold of solving many. if not most. of our problems in America. It will not and cannot happen.
Every member of Congress, in both the House and Senate have completely forgotten the single most important promise they made. They each swore allegiance to the United States of America and the people of this country. That's the only allegiance they took an oath on that matters. Unfortunately all those members have sworn another oath to another entity. Their allegiance has been given to the political parties they have chosen to align with. It seems to me that such allegiances to political parties flies in the face of the demand by our constitution to give their oaths only to America.
If we have problems in our country, the fault falls squarely in the laps of the two major political parties as well as the several smaller parties vying for attention. I fear no good will come of these special allegiances. And Our country will slip further down a path to irrelevance.
Every member of Congress, in both the House and Senate have completely forgotten the single most important promise they made. They each swore allegiance to the United States of America and the people of this country. That's the only allegiance they took an oath on that matters. Unfortunately all those members have sworn another oath to another entity. Their allegiance has been given to the political parties they have chosen to align with. It seems to me that such allegiances to political parties flies in the face of the demand by our constitution to give their oaths only to America.
If we have problems in our country, the fault falls squarely in the laps of the two major political parties as well as the several smaller parties vying for attention. I fear no good will come of these special allegiances. And Our country will slip further down a path to irrelevance.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Who Better?
Ya have to wonder. If the Almighty, himself, came down from the sky, riding a white horse with lightning bolts in one hand and a flaming sword in the other and told us humans to stop destroying our environment, if anybody would take note. What if he struck all the climate denier scientists blind, deaf and dumb, all two dozen of them, if that would make a difference?
I suppose Republicans would all rush down to Happy Harry's hotdog stand and grab the clerk, Harry's nephew and appoint him head climate denier scientist. Enough money could get him to do it. Maybe an extra fifty a week.
What if the Almighty decided it wasn't worth the effort. Go ahead let these stupid humans destroy their environment. He can always start over with another life form. Maybe chipmunks. They're cute and they certainly can't do worse than Humans in screwing things up. Of course they'd have to start mining coal and drilling for oil to keep warm. And then they'd have to arm themselves with weaponry to protect themselves from enemies near and far. Have you ever seen a chipmunk tank? Or a chipmunk fighter jet?
Next thing you know, they'd have the environment in trouble again. And just like Humans, you can't reason with a chipmunk. I know, I've tried. They just look at you with those big brown eyes and steal some bread from your sandwich. No, I guess chipmunks won't work out either. Maybe a little better than Humans, but not good enough. Snails! Maybe snails would work. They're slow but that could be a blessing. After all, a world dominated by snails might prove to be the perfect solution to a sticky problem.
I suppose Republicans would all rush down to Happy Harry's hotdog stand and grab the clerk, Harry's nephew and appoint him head climate denier scientist. Enough money could get him to do it. Maybe an extra fifty a week.
What if the Almighty decided it wasn't worth the effort. Go ahead let these stupid humans destroy their environment. He can always start over with another life form. Maybe chipmunks. They're cute and they certainly can't do worse than Humans in screwing things up. Of course they'd have to start mining coal and drilling for oil to keep warm. And then they'd have to arm themselves with weaponry to protect themselves from enemies near and far. Have you ever seen a chipmunk tank? Or a chipmunk fighter jet?
Next thing you know, they'd have the environment in trouble again. And just like Humans, you can't reason with a chipmunk. I know, I've tried. They just look at you with those big brown eyes and steal some bread from your sandwich. No, I guess chipmunks won't work out either. Maybe a little better than Humans, but not good enough. Snails! Maybe snails would work. They're slow but that could be a blessing. After all, a world dominated by snails might prove to be the perfect solution to a sticky problem.
Sunday, April 2, 2017
What We Did Wrong.
It suddenly dawned on me. The United States of America is a non-profit organization. It was never meant to be a for-profit company. I had just read an article in Pro Publica about how non-profits should look for CEOs and also how for-profits should look for CEOs. And there's a difference in thinking for each. It also mentioned some of the differences between private and public corporations. I'll get to that later.
The point is that never in our foundings as a nation was it ever considered that we should try to have our government make a profit. The goal, real or unstated, was to break even, but not to make a profit. Now a for-profit has a goal to make as much of a profit as possible. It doesn't matter if its public or private, the bottom line is what counts. And a private corporation answers only to the CEO.
But a non-profit's goal is to serve the constituents of its goal. A non-profit that serves poor preschoolers is only interested in serving those children. Whatever money is taken in is set to serve them. You have to think completely different, one from the other. As a non-profit CEO, you have to answer to a completely different group of people, with different goals for the organization.
Then if you add a CEO who's only experience is in a privately held corporation, he or she won't know how to handle entities that can override him. That's what happened in the 2016 presidential elections. Never mind all the rhetoric and the allegations back and forth, we elected a private, for-profit CEO with absolutely no experience running a non-profit. And then to top it off, he chose like minded and trained people to advise him. Its like handing out knives to his administration to equip them for a gun battle.
The point is that never in our foundings as a nation was it ever considered that we should try to have our government make a profit. The goal, real or unstated, was to break even, but not to make a profit. Now a for-profit has a goal to make as much of a profit as possible. It doesn't matter if its public or private, the bottom line is what counts. And a private corporation answers only to the CEO.
But a non-profit's goal is to serve the constituents of its goal. A non-profit that serves poor preschoolers is only interested in serving those children. Whatever money is taken in is set to serve them. You have to think completely different, one from the other. As a non-profit CEO, you have to answer to a completely different group of people, with different goals for the organization.
Then if you add a CEO who's only experience is in a privately held corporation, he or she won't know how to handle entities that can override him. That's what happened in the 2016 presidential elections. Never mind all the rhetoric and the allegations back and forth, we elected a private, for-profit CEO with absolutely no experience running a non-profit. And then to top it off, he chose like minded and trained people to advise him. Its like handing out knives to his administration to equip them for a gun battle.
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