Thursday, December 15, 2016

Put It To Rest.

       Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but Donald Trump won the  Electoral College vote, so they both have something to hang their hats on, but Trump is the one who gets to sit behind the desk in the oval office. And he's the one who gets to pick his cabinet along with thousands of lower level bureaucrats. That won't change. The Electoral College won't change that.
       But there are a lot of questions about Trump that could potentially change it. However none of those potential changes will put Clinton in the White House. Pence maybe, but not Clinton. Its time to pursue other causes. The Democrats made a bunch of mistakes during the late campaign. They overlooked far too many unhappy voters with unhappy grievances.
       On the other hand Trump won the election by noticing those voters and their grievances and promised them he could solve their problems. He could bring back those lost jobs. Well, he can't. Nobody can or will. Those high paying jobs don't exist anymore. They've been eliminated by technology. And maybe that's a good thing even though it hurts to lose the jobs.
       But what happens when those voters who swarmed to Trump find out that he can't help them the way he promised? Trump may not take the brunt of their anger, but he'll get some of it. But who will be the goat? corporations? Hey, they'll do what they have to do to succeed. Obama? Some will try. Congress? Well whether of not they get accused for the loss of jobs or not, they've been the ones who have handled things wrong. Trickle Down has never worked, yet they still try. They piddle around with ACA, with no replacement, Voter fraud, almost nonexistent, and a host of nonsense while our own Rome burns. Wouldn't ya think they'd want to help their own neighbors instead?

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