Have you personally been attacked by a jihadi terrorist? Any family member been attacked by one? Has anyone you know personally been attacked by a jihadi terrorist? How many of the over 350 million American citizens do you know of who've been attacked by those terrorists? Yes there have been radicalized terrorists and yes some have killed some Americans. But if you want to be worried about something scary, think about drunk drivers. They kill a lot more Americans than terrorists do.
Do you think crime has gotten completely out of hand? Then how come violent crime has continually dropped annually over the last decade or more? It can't be both ways. Either statistics are wrong or a political scare tactic is wrong.
Is our military completely depleted? Is it unfit to protect us from any enemy? How can that be if we have the most expensive military with the best and newest, and most hi-tech equipment in the world. More fighting ships then any other navy or group of navies in the world. The best planes and best pilots in the world? And do we have the best prepared military in the world? It can't be both ways.
Is our economy in free fall? Are we having uncontrollable inflation? Are we experiencing expanding unemployment? Are wages tumbling towards zero? No, the exact opposite is happening. The scare tactics being used to scare voters doesn't expect people to stop and think for a moment. And realize that, HEY, we're not in as bad a shape as these clowns are suggesting.
That's not to say there isn't room for improvement. There's still inequality. Inequality of educational opportunity and healthcare opportunity and employment opportunity. And there's the opportunity to be represented by people who are more interested in what's good for our country and our people and not what's best for themselves.
The idea that scaring our citizens into voting for some loudmouth isn't in our best interests. That approach is one that most often leads to a dictatorship. What we need is someone who can lead us toward a free society. Its true, we don't have the best choices this time around, but one will surely harm us while the other will be unlikely to harm us.
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