Friday, June 3, 2016

The NRA's Children's Story.

       Little known fact. America already has gun control, including gun registration. So why is the NRA crying so loudly not to allow gun control legislation? News flash, NRA, its already here. That's right, since 1934 its been illegal to own one of these firearms without registering it with the ATF. The registration costs somewhere around $200 and includes make, model and serial number and your name and address among other requirements.
       And guess what America. No registered gun owner in the entire 82 years has ever had his guns confiscated by the government other than, perhaps, for using it in the commission of a crime. A New York Times OP-ED, points out that this safe and effective law continues to register such weapons as machineguns, missiles, mortars and hand grenades and its a law that works. Even the head of NFA Trade and Collectors Association, himself a manufacturer of machineguns, states that there's nothing to fear from gun registration.
       By the way, the law is the National Firearms Act, but you didn't hear that from the NRA. Nope, what you hear from the NRA is that if you register your guns the government will be knocking down your door to confiscate them. But the proof is a different story. If its worked for over 80 years without a hitch, including with the backing of the NRA (back then, when the NRA was a gun owner focused organization rather than a gun manufacturer's front group) and in fact they suggested all guns be registered and owners licensed and if it's worked that long without a hitch it'll continue to work as designed for another 80 years..
       Ya know what else? NFA gun owners almost never are involved in gun violence. That's a fact. But you didn't hear that from the NRA. All Wayne LA Pierre  keeps saying is that with gun control legislation, the sky is falling. Unfortunately Wayne has most legislators quaking in their boots. After all, they need Wayne's approval to get elected.

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