Thursday, April 7, 2016

Hot Bargains.

       Hey Bunkie, are ya interested in a low mileage antiaircraft missile for your afternoon pleasure? Or are you more into a heavy duty machine gun? Well, look no further than Facebook. You can pick up almost any kind of military equipment your little heart might desire. Of course you may have to go to Iraq, Syria, or Yemen for delivery, but hey, its all available, according to an article in the New York Times today.
       Now Facebook, as you may know, has recently outlawed the private sales of weapons, but unless they can find the links, the specials will continue to flourish. Its interesting, but not unexpectedly so, that the sales are primarily located in ISIL infested parts of the world. What is unexpected is that much of the weaponry is distributed by America to "private security forces and their proxies." Their proxies? What or who are these proxies? And just what would a private security force need an antiaircraft missile for anyway?
       I guess most of the equipment available will be put to good use, but how is it that so much of it will also be available to folks we'd be better off not outfitting. Now I'm not suggesting that we send a sales and marketing staff over there to move the merchandise. Not even if we put them on straight commission. But I am wondering if we need to do a little more than Facebook in cutting out the sales to folks we'd prefer not get their hands on some of this stuff.
       And I'm wondering how deliveries are handled, maybe UGPS? That's United Guns Parcel Service. So a big brown truck pulls up and the driver, in brown shirt and shorts, uses a hand truck to deliver a good quality missile to some guy in camo, a black mask and turban. And the guy doesn't even have to sign for it. The problem is figuring out how to get it shipped back to your house.

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