Tuesday, February 9, 2016


       Regardless od what you may think of Jimmy Carter, you have to admit he's a smart guy. Here's a recent quote of his to prove it.  He said "The erroneous ruling of the Supreme Court, where millionaires, billionaires, can put in unlimited amounts of money, giving legal bribery the chance to prevail... As the rich people finance the campaigns, when candidates get in office they do what the rich people want. And that's to let the rich people get richer and richer and the middle class get left out."
       It's the "legal bribery the chance to prevail" part that's so pertinent. Every candidate to any office will assure you they cannot be bought, but they don't say they can't be swayed.  What we have to remember though is that they're all human. And being human, they are all susceptible to influences. The influences we want them to be susceptible to are the voters. After all, it's the voters, the people, to whom they must serve. Of course a rich man deserves to be served as much as a poor man, but not more so.
       The problem that the SCOTUS ruling in the citizens united case provides is the opportunity for the legal bribery to take place, to prevail. Its the very real appearance of impropriety that is allowed to flourish. And, for the candidate, its the very real temptation to appease the one who feeds you. The voters make the final decision, but unfortunately, too many voters are swayed by too much advertising and the lies purchased by the big money from who knows whom.
       Why the Supreme Court couldn't have foreseen such an obvious outcome brings into question their ability to make wise decisions. The decisions made throughout history that are most remembered are the smartest and the dumbest. Guess which this one will be remembered for.

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