Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I Finally Get It.

       I finally get it now. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. After all this time I finally get it. It's true. It's like, well it's like spaghetti. Spaghetti doesn't make you fat, people who eat too much spaghetti make you fat. So to keep from getting fat, you eat less spaghetti. Simple solution, just abstain from eating so much. Go on a diet.
       So if that spaghetti diet can work then why can't we go on a gun diet? Of course for any diet to work for a whole society, everyone who eats spaghetti has to cut back. The same should then be true for a gun diet. The whole of society has to cut back on guns for this diet to work. That means fewer gun purchases and fewer shots being fired. Buy less ammunition. And some need to abstain altogether. Folks who are addicted to spaghetti will have to abstain, and some gun people will also have to abstain.
       My vote is to have the NRA abstain. They seem to be addicted to guns. For everyone. So for this gun diet to work, the NRA is going to have to abstain from guns for every last person on earth before we get down to the last persons on earth. I propose for these addicts to shooting, that we limit the shooting to a few days a year. For those who seem to be addicted to killing, we form an addicted list and not sell them guns or allow them to possess guns.
       Let's face it, we've become a nation of gun lovers who aren't afraid to tote them thar guns all over towns and cities and diners and churches and movies in the hopes of getting a shot off at some real or imagined bad guy. Maybe we should use the money we would ordinarily spend on guns and bullets and all that on paying for more cops who are trained to protect us. Just like spaghetti addicts could spend their pasta money on salad greens.
        Just a thought.

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