Saturday, March 28, 2015

Is This A Case Of Age Bias? No!

       Why do you suppose Republican Senators seem to be unwilling to confirm the nomination of Loretta Lynch to Attorney General? Hey, it's been 140 days, the longest wait of any nominee for a cabinet level post in the history of America.  She would be the first black woman to hold that position, but you can be sure it's not because she's unqualified, she certainly is. Even Republicans will tell you so.
       The reason that Mitch McConnell claims her vote is being held up is that a vote on another, unrelated issue, must come first. Of course that's his decision to make, it's neither a rule nor a custom that votes on bills and nominations must be taken in order. In fact, usually, nominations for important positions come first.
       So why do you suppose there is this delay? Now that's an easy one to answer. Majority leader McConnell wants to use it as leverage to force Democrats to vote for his special interest bill.  So why don't Democrats just go ahead and allow the vote on the special bill? Because A, it includes a clause Democrats refuse to accept and, B, it would set a precedent that they can be forced to capitulate any time the Republicans want. Ask the Republicans if they were willing to do that when they were in the minority or if they would in any future that found them in the minority.
       Well, if Ms. Lynch's confirmation isn't being held up for those reasons, then why in the world hasn't she been confirmed? A few Senators have said they won't vote to confirm because they don't like her thoughts on the President's Presidential Actions on immigration and others? But if she didn't agree with the President, she would never have been nominated in the first place. That reasoning by those Senators is disingenuous at best.
       There's got to be a more convincing and honest reason. It would be nice to hear those Senators state exactly why they're against the nomination of the first female black person to that office. Ya don't suppose it's because she's too old, do ya?

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