Saturday, March 15, 2014

Whatever Did We Do Before 24/7 News?

       Say, have you decided who to vote for in the upcoming presidential elections yet? Better hurry, you only have two years, seven months and a few days to decide. Of course the political talkshow hosts have been anguishing over this timely matter of utmost urgency ever since the campaigns of the 2012 elections. In fact some were debating the 2016 outcomes before the 2012 campaigns got started.
       Of course with 168 hours of airtime per week to fill, why not. They have to talk about something. And explaining over and over again just how the 2016 campaign will shake out, gives them a great deal of current news to digest and then, again, explain and predict and show us, with charts and graphs, exactly why things will turn out exactly as they have warned us. The beauty of politics is that by the time they have explained their predictions often enough, usually up to 168 hours, they change their predictions based on the newly released facts that someone caught a cold or took a vacation trip or visited a sick friend.
       What's really fun though, is to then watch or listen to the various political party representatives explain why it's their party that will benefit most from these developments because, while some Congressman talked with his long lost cousin for over an hour, a senior Senator, who shall be nameless, caught some zzzs on the floor of the chamber during a slow session.
       Do you realize that if the polls, so often cited, actually predicted final outcomes to races, there would be 5.72 successful candidates for each seat and we'd have 19.27 presidents serving in the Whitehouse at the same time. I don't think that would relieve the stress for them, but it would make for some interesting pillow talk in the residence area. I should point out that the numbers cited in this paragraph are true and accurate to within 4% to 6%.

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