Sunday, February 23, 2014

At Last, An End To The Bickering.

       I think I've hit on the perfect solution to all the vitriol, animosity, gridlock, flintlock and every other problem facing America today. Well, all except global warming, clean water and air, education, election financing, voter IDs, immigration, gun control, Senate filibusters and the like. So I guess my solution is only semi-perfect in that it doesn't solve all the problems of the world. We'll still have to argue over things like foreign policy.
       But we can eliminate the anger over the poor. My suggestion is for the federal government to end all entitlements,  period. Now hear me out on this until I'm finished. By ending entitlements we could reduce nearly everyone's taxes. But at the same time the government should create a new tax called the FIRST FRUITS TAX. Every single person, corporation, PAC, Super PAC, Social organization, anyone or entity that receives any form of income, that means any monetary exchange, must pay a 10% First Fruits tax. The only exception to this tax is if you donate that same 10% of your gross profits or income to the poor.
       Now let's be clear about this, local Museums of the Baked Potato or Service clubs for the good of a certain politician or political outlook or any similar charity do not count toward this exemption. It must be strictly for the poor. Otherwise you must pay this tax to the government which will then disperse this tax revenue to the poor. With this new tax, which is offset by the elimination of all the safety net programs, we stop the government from subsidizing all the welfare queens. This way the Tea party should be satisfied, the Christian Right should be satisfied, in general, conservatives will be satisfied and liberals will surely be satisfied as well.
       Now, to be sure there will be some few who will not be satisfied. Mostly those who do not believe in giving to the poor or paying taxes. And while these make up a substantial minority they, none the less, firmly believe in themselves first, last, and always.
       Who knows, maybe some similar solutions can be instituted to eliminate the rest of the mess that is Washington. Then all that would be left to solve are the political parties. Yeah, I know, that may the toughest.

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