Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I'll See Your Round-up And Raise You 2,4-D.

       Hey gang, I recently wrote an entry that suggested meat wasn't the best thing you could eat. Well there's an article in Mother Jones this morning about CMO seeds. It seems that the seeds engineered to withstand Round-up have, over time, infected weeds so that they too are resistant to the Round-up herbicide. So now Dow has come up with a seed that resists 2,4-D herbicide. 2,4-D is part of the Viet-Nam era defoliant used by our military known as Agent Orange.
       So now we have the prospect of training our weeds to resist Agent Orange style weed killer, but also, that stuff is inside the seeds and will be inside the harvested crops. Do you remember the kill off of our honeybees? It's still going on, ya know. How will this extra killer affect our bees? But also, how will this added 2,4-D affect us? Of course Dow Agriscience will tell you it's harmless to us because of the small doses we get. Humph, just because they find glowing in the dark acceptable doesn't mean I do. And what harm will that 2,4-D do in the environment over time?
       And there's the sticking point. No not the glowing part, but the fact that these chemicals do wind up inside us along with the additives in our meat and especially our poultry products. Remember the old adage that too much of a good thing is bad for you? Well it's true. Now if you calculate what little harm one single thing like this new defoliant will do to you then, yes it's true, not much harm can come from it. But when you begin to add up all the single little additives, you come up with a pretty big number. And it's the aggregate that may not be so good for you.
       Now I will admit that a lot of what's been done over the years and decades to improve our food chain has helped us to improve our lives and health and even longevity. On the other hand, some have been detrimental to both us and the environment we depend on. What these companies are unwilling to admit is that they don't know what harm they might be doing. All they want to know is that they aren't doing any harm in the near term and the profits they stand to make are astronomical.

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