Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Call To Arms. We're At War Again.

       Oh my gosh. We're at war again. America seems to be at war most of the time and we've fought more enemies than anyone since the ancient Romans. But this time it's different, our government promises. This time we'll actually be saving lives. When have we heard that one before? Well, this time the enemy is transfats. I don't even know what country transfats are from. But one thing is for sure. They have invaded America and they are killing people left and right. It's pretty much a bipartisan problem. The enemy is among us. This enemy is not our true friend, even though the transfats have given us exactly what we wanted, great taste.
       These transfats with their partially hydrogenated oils stealth fighters, have found their way into our food chain. It must have been thought that the hydrogenated oil would lubricate the food chain, but it clogs things up instead. Now some folks are still not convinced of the danger this enemy presents. After all, being gratified by having so many, otherwise un-tasty edibles, become favorite  taste tempters is cause to pause, for another of those sumptuous treats.
       We should have known of this danger. After all partially hydrogenated oil! Hydrogen- ated as in hydrogen bomb! These transfats have been feeding us mini-bombs all these years and some of those bombs are exploding, killing people. It's sortta like hiding something in plain sight. Hydrogenated, right in the name and nobody caught the real meaning. What an insidious enemy.
       We would have been far better off if we had declared war on these transfats long ago, along with sugar, salt, litterbugs and a whole host of other problem causers. We could have overlooked at least half a dozen wars of choice by waging war one or all of these dastardly Doolittle's. Then there's the oil part. Don't forget that. We've been preparing to do battle with the forces of oil for nearly a century. At least foreign oil. We don't mind our own, but them danged foreigners!
       Now you may think I'm poking fun at this problem. Well I am, but it really is a health problem. And with this country's track record on healthcare, it's about time we started doing something right.
So banning your favorite snack is a small sacrifice for the greater good.

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