Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Health, Immigration and Burger King Menus

       Have you read the Affordable Care Act? That's the official name for Obamacare. I've heard lots of people claim it's ridiculously long.  So I decided to check it out. Actually I had just read an article about the new Immigration bill that has passed the Senate. Anyway, Fact Check informed me that there are various printings of the ACA of differing lengths, but the copy they referred me to was 974 pages long.
       How do you feel about that? It's awfully long and I didn't read it either.  But if you think that's an exorbitant number, then consider that Immigration bill. It's 1099 pages long. Of course the ACA covers all the medical problems Americans can face, who pays how much and all that. The Immigration bill covers the who, how and when along with border security. Still, 974 and 1099 pages sounds like a lot.
       At least it does until you consider that tons of lawyers, accountants and insurance companies and a host of other interested parties will pour over both these measures looking for the loopholes that will allow them to profit from these laws and bills. When you consider that, you may well decide that the 974 and 1099 pages aren't nearly enough. On the other hand, some folks think the difference, 125 pages, should be sufficient  to cover both with enough words left over to print a Burger King's menu.
       Another thing to consider is that maybe you shouldn't find fault with the one and approve of the other because of their length. But I guess the real point is that we wouldn't need all this wording if we all didn't want so many items covered and so many interests protected. We could have said "Everybody is covered for everything", and "Everybody is welcome." That just isn't what happened.

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