Well, whatta ya think. The National Football League, the NFL, has backed down on supporting the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare. It seems the NFL was in talks to provide support in getting people to enroll. It's not unusual for the NFL to support health issues. So it seemed like a good fit. M y guess is that they would have done it if it weren't for one little mistake.
Kathleen Sibelius, HHS Secretary was so happy that she prematurely announced the NFLs participation, thinking it would provide the impetus to other pro sports organizations to participate. Big mistake. As soon as Republicans got wind of the possibility that anyone would help Democrats promote the law of the land, they jumped on the NFL like a pack of scorpions. Are groups of scorpions called packs? I didn't even know that scorpions grouped up. The Republicans jumped on the NFL like a pack of wolves. I know they pack up.
Not only did they jump all over the NFL, but they warned all other sports not to engage with anyone involved with such a controversial undertaking. On the other hand, the Republicans recently partnered up with the NRA to support and sponsor a NASCAR race. Does anyone think the NRA isn't controversial? So why is it that it's in bad taste for organized sports to support a controversial Democratic undertaking, but it's not in bad taste for NASCAR to huddle up with the NRA? I suppose it has to do with which Party is involved with which party.
Or maybe it has more to do with which Party whines the most about the other Party's involvement with which party. Maybe if the Democrats whined louder and longer and sent more letters of disapproval to certain sports, then maybe the spikes would be on the other shoe. Then maybe the Democrats would look like whiners and obstructionists instead of the Republicans for a change.
Just as a point of interest, of all the developed countries in the world, America stands alone in not having universal healthcare. America also holds a record of having the most expensive healthcare per capita of all those countries. And the Republicans stand alone as the only party standing in the way of implementing such humane healthcare. Which is parallel to the NRA and gun safety.
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