Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Why Can't We Have Spring Yet?

       I'm sitting here looking out at the snow coming down. Here it is March 19. The day after tomorrow is officially Spring. Punxsutawney Phil promised us an early Spring but here we are still waiting for it to happen to us. Easter is just around the corner, but we're still stuck in New Year's Eve. Doesn't that ground hog know it's time to flip the switch? Maybe he's too busy chucking wood to notice.
       It's not so much that my life will change if Spring is still a couple of weeks off. But the thing is it doesn't seem like it can change until the weather changes. Don't get me wrong, I don't plan om taking out a loan to plant flowers this year. I never take out a loan to plant flowers. I never plant that many flowers that I have to worry about how much they cost. I admit, however, that if a flower is to costly, I look for a cheaper flower.
       It's not that I want my home to look like a cheapskate planned the landscaping or floral design, its just that I'm not that much into it. I'd like things to look sensational, but sensational on a dime. Actually, my problem is that I don't stick with gardening. I don't mind planting, but I do mind watering and I hate weeding. I think that I'd be better off, if I planted weeds. That way, they might die off and flowers would crowd in and take over. It's just a thought.
       All that stuff is in my mind, but it's still snowing out so the local hardware store isn't likely to sell me any seeds yet. Actually they're unlikely to ever sell me any seeds. The last time I bought seeds was six years ago. I came across them a couple of days ago. They're probably no good any more, but I'll hang on to them a few more years as a reminder.
       When it stops snowing, I'll have to go out and brush the snow off my car. Unless I decide not to go any place. Then I'll just leave the snow on the car as insulation against the cold. Maybe if I wait long enough the sun will come out and melt the snow.  Probably not.

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