Have you noticed that polls suggest as many as 88% of Americans want background checks on the purchase of any firearm, anywhere? Have you noticed that most U.S. Senators agree, that the minority party in the House of Representatives also want it. Well if all of this is true, and it is, then just who is against background checks?
Well, there's the NRA. They're against it. We're not sure about its membership. Then there's the majority party in the house. They seem to be against it. Probably because the NRA is against it. There's two more demographics that are against it. Gun show dealers and criminals. That's right, the folks who want to buy a gun but can't do it legally. They're against anything that might cramp their style.
So what's the argument against any legislation? Why, they claim its against the second amendment But the second amendment doesn't say that at all. In fact it states a "Well Regulated Militia" as the reason for allowing citizens to have and use firearms. But for a "Militia" to be well regulated, there should not only be background checks, there should be a registration process as well.
But we're talking about gun safety, not militias. So how about some limits. I mean we already limit the number of tanks a family can own. And nobody is allowed an ICBM missile with nuclear warheads or even rocket launchers. Why not personal weapons of mass destruction? But no, this 12% only want to eliminate violent video games and movies and TV. Okay I go along with that. And mentally unstable or sick people shouldn't have guns. Okay I go along with that to. In fact some of those 12% should be checked out first.
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