Sunday, December 2, 2012

When They Say The End, What Do They Mean?

       I keep hearing about the Mayan calendar and December 21 of this year. That's the last day of the 5000+ year old Mayan Calendar. That's the day lots of people seem to think the earth will end. On the other hand lots more people think its just plain silly. Then there are the few who hadn't heard about this story yet.
       Next, I saw on the news yesterday that two people robbed a Victoria's Secret store. It was captured on video surveillance. What they stole was dozens, or maybe even more, ladies panties. Now it looked like two guys that were stealing these items of apparel. Exactly what do two men do with that many women's undergarments? Do they consult with a "Fence"? Who would be a pantie fence? 
       These two items in the news, Dec 21, 2012 on the Mayan calendar and the theft of ladies panties, don't seem, at first glance, to be connected. But what if they are? What if you will need fancy pants to be saved on the 21st? What if? But how many girlfriends do these two guys have? Or is it just wishful thinking? Do you walk up to an attractive woman on the street and let her know that she can be saved on the 21st of this month with these special panties? How far will that get you?
       Personally, I don't think anything extraordinary will happen on December 21, but if you want to wear fancy pants, there's a fence out there somewhere that can get you a good deal on some Victoria's Secrets undergarments. No questions asked.

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