Thursday, September 20, 2012

What's In A Budget?

There's an online game you can play to try your hand at balancing the Federal Budget. Think Paul Ryan has the answer? How about Romney, or Obama? Think again. None of the above can close the budget without the country going bankrupt. To be fair, I couldn't either. But then I wasn't hired to do that. Our Congressmen and Senators and the President are hired to do that. So how are all those smart, dedicated politicians making out on that front? Well, like I said, not too good. Ya know that financial cliff everybody is worrying about? You ain't seen nothing yet friend. As I see it, we need one of two things to happen. Either we go off that cliff in spades or we get this economy humming along at about 120%. Now since nobody want's to go off the cliff on 1-3-13, we must be working towards getting that economy humming again. And how are we doing on that front? Not too good. At the current rate of increase to the economy, it should be humming along in about 20 years. But never fear. Our country's leaders know how to fix it. In fact they have two sure-fire paths to prosperity. You can't go wrong with two paths, can you? Actually our leadership has found a way to go wrong. Those two paths are in conflict with each other and neither one would work anyway. See, what's called for is some adult conversation in which our national leaders sit down and agree to compromise on tax increases and on spending cuts to some entitlements and defense and everything in between. So what are the chances of that happening? ZERO! At least unless the people get after them to act like adults. It's time for all of us to act like adults and demand that our political leaders do too. By the way, if you'd like to play that game its at  Give it a shot. Whatta ya got to loose.

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