Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Eat Yer Broccoli.

There's been over a dozen states that have suddenly decided to enact Voter ID requirements. Mostly rather restrictive. Most have claimed to have done it to eliminate voter fraud. But not one single state can claim more than one actual case, proven in court, to have been a case their new laws would have stopped. So if there's no cases of such wrongdoing, why the rush to push through laws that could easily disenfranchise 8% to 10% of those state's populations? In Pennsylvania that includes up to 859,000 current voters who would not be able to vote in this November's election. Could there be another motive? Again in Pennsylvania, the Republican leader of the state legislature stated, on camera, that "voter ID legislation - done! This will allow Gov Romney to win Pennsylvania this year." How can this be, you ask? Why don't these folks just get IDs? Many don't know it. Not everyone pays close attention to the news. "I voted last time, they know me, I'll vote this time." Others don't have the where-with-all to afford the proof required to obtain an ID or the transportation or the cost of transportation to obtain one. Did the state know this information before passing the legislation? If they didn't, shame on them for not doing their homework. If they did, shame on them for doing that homework. Now if you don't need a reason to pass a law, then why not pass a law to require everyone to eat broccoli? It will cause health to break out. Remember, no proof is required.

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