Sunday, June 24, 2012

Who's The Biggest Insider Traders In The Country?

How well do you know the stock market? I'll bet you don't know it as well as your Congressman or Senators do. Rare indeed is the politician who leaves Washington poorer than when he got there. One of the reasons is that they're allowed to buy and sell stocks in companies who have legislation that they will vote on in committee and on the floor that will affect the company's bottom lines. See if company 'A' wants more leniency in regulations, as an example, and your Congressman sits on the committee that will decide on that issue, why, Mr Congressman can buy a bunch of stock if he thinks his vote will help the company make more profit. That or sell stock if his vote will hurt. It's what we call a stacked deck in the parlance of a gambler. Now, not long ago, Congress passed laws stopping administration officials from taking advantage of this type of insider trading. But somehow it just slipped their minds to stop themselves from this kind of stock transaction. See Congress called it insider information trading and barred it. But they don't consider it insider trading when it comes down to themselves. For themselves and their families, it's more a case of informed investing. Like any good and smart investor who researches a company before investing. Congress doesn't research a company. They research what companies they will be voting on. How come they can get away with this kind of stuff? They can get away with it because they voted to allow themselves to do it. Or rather they didn't vote on it at all thereby allowing them to continue the practice. It's all very legal. It's all on the up and up, so long as it's legal. And it's legal until Congress makes it illegal. Any guess on when that'll be?

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