Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Congress And A Constitution? I Can't Imagine.

Here's a question worth considering. It's a question that has implications for our upcoming elections this fall. Could our current political leaders have come up with our current constitution and get it ratified? Do we have enough leaders, smart enough to put together as complicated a document, to lead a country of our size and diversity? If you think so, then, could they or would they come up with a better way? For all it's perfections, there are also many imperfections. If there weren't, then how to explain our gridlock, our venomous partisanship. Or was that planned. I can't imagine. It would have been a savage attack on an unsuspecting society. I'd like to believe it would be possible. I'd like to, but I don't believe it. I do think we've got some very smart people, both conservative and progressive. The problem is that we've got far to many, in and out of politics, who would make any compromise necessary to complete and ratify such a document, an impossibility. Look at the simple act of getting our Congress to agree to pay the bills it already agreed to create and pay. Congresses approved spending legislation that created debt which they agreed they would pay, but when the debt comes due, Congress can't agree to pay the bill. These are not great leaders capable of designing a Constitution level document. They would have difficulty designing a sandwich. My pre-teen grandchildren could, I believe, come up with solutions and agreements to many of the grave difficulties facing us today, if the options were explained to them. One difference between my, and most, grandchildren and our Congress is that they would actually listen to the explanations and then work together to accomplish the necessary solutions. Can you imagine our Congress honestly listening to the problems and then working out honest and fair solutions? I can't imagine.

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