Sunday, April 22, 2012

A.L.E.C. Spells Trouble For All Of Us.

There's an organization made up of state legislators and corporate representatives. It's acronym is ALEC. The purpose of ALEC is to write legislation for consideration by all state legislatures for passage. It's a tax exempt organization, but it seems to be doing the work of a lobbyist. Which should make it inellegable for tax exempt status. But that's just a small part of the problem. It's really a front for some of the worst public safety legisative issues in the country. For instance, it has included the "Stand your ground" laws as one of it's favorites. Here's another one. In the drilling for oil and gas, the practice of "Fracking" where water, sand and a soup of chemicals is forced into the shale rock, deep in the earth to release oil and or natural gas, they have written a bill that allows companies to refuse to release the names of the chemicals used because they're trade secrets. So if your drinking water well gets contaminated by one of these chemicals, you will have no way to find out if your well is even contaminated at all, because you won't know what to test for. Does that make sense to you? Do you think that even the most partisan politician would knowingly vote for such a bill? Well, okay, maybe there are some, but should they? And would they if the public knew they were voting for such nonsense? Who thinks up laws like this? And the Stand Your Ground law? Who would be so dumb or mean to think up something like secret chemicals in the ground? Not the legislators, they wouldn't know about the need for such secrecy unless somebody told them to. No it coud only be the folks who work for the corporations who stand to profit from such unsafe laws. Well, and an organization like ALEC that's willing to help the cause.

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