Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Etiquette Of Party Discourse.

Have you ever been dragged to a get-together by your spouse when you knew in advance you weren't going to enjoy yourself? No I'm not talking about a family reunion. I'm talking about an occasion where you probably don't know any or many of the folks that will be in attendance. It's not at all like a family reunion were you do know the players, but just don't like them. Well when you get to this "get-together" and you look around, exactly what is it that you're looking for? I'll tell you. You're looking for another, like souled, poor dumb sucker in the same boat as you. How can you tell if somebody is just like you? First they will have a stunned look on their face that says, why am I here? What did I do to deserve this? So you spot the target. But this is only the first step.The next thing you have to do is determine if he or she is of the same social stratum as you. Now that may not be the same stratum as your spouse or his/her spouse. You ease on over to where you can see what the target is drinking and or eating. If it's the same type as yours, you're most likely, in. But what if it's not? What if you like a tall cold one and the target wants an extra dry one. Maybe you like the shrimp while the target prefers something you can't even pronounced. Or what if the opposite is the case? Now comes the time to say something. You've exhausted all other possibilities for other conversation and it's time to take the plunge or sit in a corner and brood all evening. "What about those Colts", you say? "Oh yes. I think mine will make a fine trotter" comes the response. This may not be what you were hoping for. "The Colts don't play in Harlem", you retort. "They don't trot in Harlem either" he shoots back. Well at least your talking. That's an improvement. Next you need to try to find something you might have in common. Good luck with that. You desperately want another tall cold one and in all likelihood your new mate desperately wants a new conversation, preferably with someone who understands the basics of equestrian topics. You, on the other hand still want that tall cold one. That and that quiet corner to brood in. When you find it, guess who got there first?

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