Sunday, November 20, 2011

It May Be The Law, But We Can Change That.

Would anyone like to know how hard it's going to be to cut the Defense Budget when the Super committee is unable to accomplish it's mission? Just look at the Marine V22 Osprey airplane/helicopter. It's been 25 years in the making and now costs $70 million each. This despite even Dick Cheney when he was Defense Secretary for Bush 1, tried to cancel it. The Marines want behind their boss's back to push for it's continuance. So far there's 300, either in service or in construction. No matter what, we're getting them. Or look at the F35 Joint Strike fighter, the most expensive weapons system in history. Notice how it isn't referred to as a plane anymore? It's a weapons system. Really? A weapons System? Ya know why it's called that? Because it sounds like a more valuable product worthy of the more expensive price tag. Now I think we ought to have whatever we need to keep us safe and outmatch our enemies. But the question is, do we need these things or are they just the great toys that great leaders like to play with? Guess who got a ride from Washington to New York in an Osprey? Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. The Marines said it was the only way to get him there efficiently. Its that right? It was the best way? Or was it a sales pitch. Lemme give ya a ride in this great new luxury car. Don't worry about the cost. We'll work something out on that. So when push comes to shove, after nearly a year, or maybe even longer, congress hasn't figured out how to overcome their intransigence over our debt and deficit and so are hoping they can get the job done by following the rules they passed when they thought the rules wouldn't be needed, but now that they do need them, they aren't sure they like the rules they passed and so they're trying to figure out how they can do two things; change the rules and blame the other guy.

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