Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Problem Is, We've Got A Problem.

I don't know about you, but I voted for Obama and have been cheering for him to succeed in beating this Recession for the whole time. But ya know what? He hasn't been up to the task so far. No matter what economists may say, we're still in a severe Recession and if you don't believe it, just ask somebody who's been unemployed for a while. Obama hasn't been able to lift us out of the Recession. But then it may well be that nobody would be able to do it. Congress won't let it happen.  No, I don't mean just a Republican majority in the House and an enlarged Republican minority in the Senate. Because the Democrats, while they held majorities in both houses, couldn't agree on how to help the President get the job done either. If you think that if a Republican is elected in 2012, he or she will suddenly be able to change the course of the country and lift it out of this Recession, you'd be a great prospect for this bridge I have for sale. First off, most of the potential candidates on the Republican side don't even believe in global warming or evolution. And it's not just that they're courting the far right social and Christian conservative voters. I think these folks actually believe what they're preaching. Now I realize that global warming and evolution aren't the problems with this Recession, but it does go to their ability to see and accept a problem before they can correct it. The answer to all of America's problems, in their minds, is always cut government. Make government as  inconsequential to our lives as possible. Never mind that by doing so would decrease the living standards of us all and in all likelihood would serve only to deepen the recession. Why hasn't the Republican party been able to produce a  visionary leader to run for president? Why hasn't Obama stepped up to the plate? This is a fine kettle of fish we're in.  As my dad would say, it's a fine how d'ya do. Things ain't to good and they ain't improven.                         

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