Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Capitalism In't Bad. Some Capitalists Are.

Wow! Columnist David Brooks, in today's N.Y. Times wrote a blistering attack against Republicans. Now this wouldn't be such a big deal except that he's normally a conservative Republican himself. The thing he is finding fault with in current Republican circles is their obstinate refusal to negotiate on taxation at all. He points out how much the Democrats have given in on cuts to entitlements nearly across the board and even agree to no tax increases at all. Only the closing of a few tax loop holes that would affect only the very wealthy. Still the Republicans say no. Now the Tea Party started off with some great ideas. It really is past time to begin to eliminate our indebtedness.  But the thing is, it isn't time to turn our backs on the needy. The poor and lower middle class still have to survive. Why? Because they are our fellow Americans. Because they are our fellow human beings. Does anyone but these fanatics believe that someone making  multi-millions of dollars every year should get special discounts just because they're rich? Does anyone really believe they would refuse to create jobs unless they get these special discounts? Here's a thought. Let them refuse to create jobs. If they don't, then someone else will and there's the start up of a new company. Because if the demand is there and existing corporations won't fill that need, then someone else will be ready to go into competition. That's been the foundation of capitalism from the beginning. It's how many corporations got started in the first place. It just doesn't make sense to let them hold us hostage.

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