Saturday, June 11, 2011
There's Zealots At The Roots Of The Problems.
Just what is the problem with the economy, anyway? Well, nobody agrees on very much at all. But one thing they all agree on is JOBS, JOBS, JOBS. Well, DUH. I mean if everybody had a job that wanted one and they were all good jobs, there wouldn't be a recession now would there be? Why, people would have money to buy things and go places. They'd be paying taxes, and the debt and the deficit would begin to fall. So if jobs is the biggest problem and it would solve most of our other economic problems, why isn't our government concentrating on Jobs? Uh huh, in some respects, they are. All the politicians talk about jobs. So if talking could solve the problem we'd already be on easy street. But talk is about all they do. Then again, it's what they've always done best. The problem seems to be that they can't agree on how to "grow jobs". The Republicans believe that we need to reward the wealthy because they're the ones that create jobs. The Democrats believe it's the middle class and poor that create the need for jobs by buying the products creating demand. Well I'm here to tell ya that they're both right. The wealthy are the ones to create jobs. But only if there's demand for their products. So how do we reward both? I mean, we can't even affords the four wars we're supporting, never mind NATO. What we need is for the government to come up with some compromise, not just a one sided deal, but real compromise and then all sign on, even if they don't agree, they still have to sign on and not find fault. You know. Become cheer leaders. But there are too many in congress that wouldn't agree that the sky is blue and the earth is round. Therein lies the problem. There's too many politicians finding too much fault with any and every idea put forward. Where are the citizen legislators? You know. The ones who are there only because they're patriots and want to help any way they can. Not zealots for one side or another, but patriots. It's political parties and their zealots that are ruining this country. It's the political parties that are causing the economic problems we face. Ya know what would work well? A constitutional ammendment to outlaw political parties. Can 't ya just see the politicians signing on to that one?
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