Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Never Mind The Teachers, How About The Legislators?

Here's my take on the problems in Wisconsin as well as Ohio, Florida, Texas and even Pennsylvania, along with a whole string of other financially troubled states. As far as requiring teachers and state workers to take a cut in pay and/or benefits, that seems reasonable. Heck, even the teachers and state workers in Wisconsin and elsewhere agree. What I don't understand is the need to effectively disassemble the unions. Something else I don't agree with is the lack of willingness on the part of Governors and state legislators to offer to take a cut in their pay and benefit packages? Now, why is that? I've often heard that the best leaders are those who lead by example. Maybe that isn't true. Or maybe these Governors and state Legislators aren't the best leaders. Maybe there's a little slime oozing around the states capitals these days. I've heard of threats to fire teachers and state workers if they don't accept all the cuts and give up collective bargaining. In education especially, we can ill afford to lose teachers. What with our drooping standings in education amoung other industrialized countries around the world. But we could surely afford to lose some Legislators. Heck, we could probably afford to lose a Governor or two as well. In fact, I think we'd be in a whole lot better shape if we did lose a bunch of these characters. Just imagine the savings if we cut all the state legislative houses in half. Of course, who to cut. That's the question I've been studying for some time. I have some suggestions. How about you?

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