Monday, November 29, 2010

Our Own Young People Need That Education.

I read that there are more Chinese and other foreign nationals attending our universities, especially elite colleges, then ever before. Is that a good use of our educational system? I mean, should we be spending our national treasure on educating our competition? If anyone thinks our national treasure isn't spent on these institutions, just ask these folks how they would arrive at these institutions of higher learning but for the roads, and airports built by our taxpayers. Find out if they can get any learning with the lights out, no phone lines, no heat, no running water or sewers. Who do you think provides these things. Did you know that these schools aren't required to pay property taxes? Taxes that pay for public safety, snow removal where necessary and repair everywhere.Tax payers pay for all these things, including the utilities which were made possible because our government (s) helped make them possible with grants, loans and a whole lot more. Now don't get me wrong, I think that people from around the world should be allowed all the education they can acquire. I just don't think we should have to pay for it without being reimbursed. Here's a thought. How about educating our own young people first. Then secondly, educate our out of work, under skilled workers. Then, if there's any room left, help some third world struggling folks get a shot at those educations. And if that means we have to pay a little more in taxes, well so be it. That would be preferable then giving people making over $250,000 a year a tax break. After all, it's those tax breaks that he turned a multi, multi hundreds of billions of $$$ surplus into a multi Trillion $$$ deficit. And let me tell you, if anyone in the world can afford to pay a little more in taxes, it's the Wall Street / Bankers elite. And this nonsense that it's all the small businesses that would get hurt is just bologna. There are very few small businesses that fall into this particular category.

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