Sunday, June 20, 2010

Oh Come On. I took A Day Off Too.

Ya know? Gimme a break. Tony Haword goes to a yacht race. I mean how dare this guy go to a yacht race on his day off? How dare he get a day off? Who do he think he are, anyway? Doesn't he know that nobody in the whole world should take a day off as long as there's a disaster anywhere in the world. Don't get me wrong, I really feel bad for the folks in the Gulf Coast states. They've been hit hard twice now, and recovery is a 24/7 job. But, having said that, I suspect they took days off right after 9-11. in fact folks in New York City took days off right after 9-11. Life must go on. And in this day and age, communications can allow people to be in constant touch, even on a yacht. So, enough said about Tony's sailing fling. And don't get me wrong about BP. First, they should never have allowed Haworth to become a public whipping boy unless that was the plan all along. Feed Tony to the wolves so the company can get off the hook a bit. If that was the plan, it worked, somewhat. He became wolf food, but it didn't get BP off the hook. Nor should it have. And what's this about not liking the twenty billion Obama got BP to put up for damage control to people's lives? Would it have been better to leave it all up to BP's generosity alone? I hear complaints if he does little and when he does something constructive. It must be that his opponents fear he might get a little atta boy out of this. Well, if he deserves a little atta boy, then give it to him. If he deserves a spanking, you know he's going to get that too.

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