Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chinese and taxes

Look. I've been finding as much fault with Chinese imports as the next guy. They've been dumping serious problems on us. What with lead in paint to tainted baby food, it's no wonder some folks think we should boycott anything Chinese. I think we ought to stop allowing them to ship all those inferior and contaminated products to us. Just put a stop to it. But, we've had our own share of contaminated products, like peanut butter. That doesn't mean we should stop buying Chinese made products any more than we should stop buying peanut butter. I for one, would revolt against anyone who tried to take away my peanut butter. Isolationism is a bad thing. Like the way our government's inability to function is bad. So, maybe the answer is for us, or more accurately our government, to be more careful about what it allows on our store shelves. Keeping some of the jobs here would also be nice. In fact hiring inspectors would create jobs. Although then we'd have to raise taxes. And goodness knows, we can't have taxes. Why not, you ask? Haven't you seen those emails that come around from time to time. You know, the ones that point out that back in the good old days, there was no income tax or sales tax or, I suppose, no taxes at all. What I'd like to know is, if there weren't any taxes, how did our various governments work back in the good old days? Who paid the cops and firemen and soldiers and congressmen and on and on? Who was this generous benefactor, this Daddy Warbucks? I'll bet it was people like you and me, secretly sending in our Nichols and Dimes so that some underprivileged Senator could put bread on the table and government could function. Gimme a break. Ya see, all of our problems come down to China and taxes. Except for the Middle-East, and all the continents, the environment and a few other things. Well, OK a lot of other things. But my point is that we need for our government to begin to wake up and start doing it's job. That would solve all of our problems. Except taxes.

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