When would it be appropriate to relieve a "special council" of his duties? When would it be appropriate to pardon anyone who was indicted in the Russian probe? When would it be appropriate for the president to pardon himself? Don't these questions seem silly, even stupid? But there seems to be an interest in the White House for answers to these questions.
Now why would these kinds of questions come up if nobody was interested in using the pardon trigger? I can tell you I'm not at all interested in using it for myself. But then I'm not some big wig in the White House. In fact I'm not any kind of big wig. But some folks are and I'll just bet some of them are just a bit scared they could wind up looking at jail time. Those are the kinds of people who would be most likely to be interested in a pardon.
And I'll just bet our president is just the kind of man who would be most interested in pardoning them. Of course it would all have to be on the up and up. You know, like in the best interest of himself. He certainly wouldn't do it without dismissing the Special Council first. And to do that he'd have to show cause. Like having his tax returns revealed. I suppose someone in the IRS would have to be dismissed as well, perhaps the janitor.
But what about pardoning himself? That would take some real courage. Well, he's got that. And some really great lawyers He's got them too. The real question is what would Congress do if these things came to pass? If I had to guess and if I had to bet on it, my guess is that just under fifty Senators would vote for impeachment which would kill the bill and nothing would be done but some whining by Democrats and a few Republicans, who voted against the bill because of some language in it.
Friday, July 21, 2017
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Fake News, Fake Presidency.
Well isn't this a fine kettle of fish. Our president can't help calling the news media "fake news" and then proceeds to hand out fake, guess what, news. Even his son, Donald Jr. gives out fake news. But he gave his fake news to the wrong people. He assured the government he never met with any Russians. Then he remembered he met with a Russian lawyer to help with adoptions of Russian children. Oh no, he met with the lawyer to get the "goods' on Hillary.
Next he remembered he was thrilled to meet with the lawyer. Then he remembered there were some other people in the meeting. Pretty soon it wound up being not just a meeting but a full blown conference, based on the number of people. Of course Daddy didn't know anything about it. Except he announced he would have a major announcement about Hillary in a couple of days. But when the meeting didn't produce any Hillary news, that announcement never materialized.
Too bad too, because it would have made for some great press. For once The Donald would have been able to praise the press. Don't ya wonder what goes on in the mind of a wheeler dealer? Well, I'll tell ye what goes on in a wheeler dealer's mind. "How can I get an unfair advantage over the other guy? What do I have to give up to get everything I want? Certainly nothing I value. Maybe my credibility. That would be okay. I never had any anyway. Making promises I don't intend to keep is fair game. And lies are my stock in trade."
A wheeler Dealer treads on the very narrow path between outright criminality and bad faith. And if he's good enough at it he can afford great lawyers to keep him out of trouble. Of course having a rich daddy helps too. I mean, who starts out with a million bucks and can't make a go of it?
Next he remembered he was thrilled to meet with the lawyer. Then he remembered there were some other people in the meeting. Pretty soon it wound up being not just a meeting but a full blown conference, based on the number of people. Of course Daddy didn't know anything about it. Except he announced he would have a major announcement about Hillary in a couple of days. But when the meeting didn't produce any Hillary news, that announcement never materialized.
Too bad too, because it would have made for some great press. For once The Donald would have been able to praise the press. Don't ya wonder what goes on in the mind of a wheeler dealer? Well, I'll tell ye what goes on in a wheeler dealer's mind. "How can I get an unfair advantage over the other guy? What do I have to give up to get everything I want? Certainly nothing I value. Maybe my credibility. That would be okay. I never had any anyway. Making promises I don't intend to keep is fair game. And lies are my stock in trade."
A wheeler Dealer treads on the very narrow path between outright criminality and bad faith. And if he's good enough at it he can afford great lawyers to keep him out of trouble. Of course having a rich daddy helps too. I mean, who starts out with a million bucks and can't make a go of it?
Monday, July 10, 2017
Cyber Security?
Now here's a great idea that Trump and Putin came up with. Let's join in a joint Cyber Security arrangement that would be impenetrable. That way the folks who are threatening to bring us down by hacking into our electoral process will be able to build in cookies and whatever they want to make it easier for them to hack us. Putin's no dummy, but Trump must be. Of course when he found out that nobody in America thought it was a good thing to do, Trump changed his mind last night and said they only talked about it.
Really? They actually talked about it? I know, I know, I promised not to come down on our president, but, come on, this was a really stupid thing to consider. I heard one statement on TV about working with the fox on poultry safety. Who better to advise us on how to stop cyber attacks then the guys who want to penetrate our security? That way, they learn all of our weaknesses instead of just some of them.
I have to say President Trump has outdone himself on this one. And when you do an about face so quickly on something so patently foolish, it's not because you though better of it, it's because you didn't think about it in the first place. Talk about the potential for national security being breached. I understand his desire for isolationism, but he needs to begin to think before he acts. Isolationism didn't work in the past and there's absolutely no reason to think it'll work now. And partnering with Putin on Cyber Security can never work.
Really? They actually talked about it? I know, I know, I promised not to come down on our president, but, come on, this was a really stupid thing to consider. I heard one statement on TV about working with the fox on poultry safety. Who better to advise us on how to stop cyber attacks then the guys who want to penetrate our security? That way, they learn all of our weaknesses instead of just some of them.
I have to say President Trump has outdone himself on this one. And when you do an about face so quickly on something so patently foolish, it's not because you though better of it, it's because you didn't think about it in the first place. Talk about the potential for national security being breached. I understand his desire for isolationism, but he needs to begin to think before he acts. Isolationism didn't work in the past and there's absolutely no reason to think it'll work now. And partnering with Putin on Cyber Security can never work.
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Here's The Problem.
I've been making a mistake for some time now. I've filled these page with the mistakes, miscues and dumb actions be President Trump. And while I'm not going to promise to stop entirely, I'd like to focus on the problems created by those things about Trump.
We've got some real problems in America, not the least are: N. Korea has a missile that can reach America and very likely can be fitted with a nuclear bomb. Russia has hacked into our election process and it looks like they're trying to hack into our nuclear energy system. A Congress that is so deeply divided they can't get anything done. And these are just a start. we need to concentrate on these issues and not petty barbs coming off the internet.
Here's what I suggest; the president, his cabinet, advisors from all the intelligence services and any other necessary advisors and all go to Camp David for three or four days. Trump would be required to leave all internet devices at the white House as would everyone else. Access to the rest of the world would be handled by staff and those who needed to would be granted supervised outside contact.
Some advisors would come and go as needed. The agenda would focus on our major problems. The goal would be to resolve, as much as possible, those most pressing concerns. Camp David is the perfect spot for such a gathering because of its isolation. Nowhere else can such a large group meet without outside interference or distractions.
So, what are the chances of my idea coming to pass? About as much chance as I have of setting a new world record in the 100 meter foot race. Not Congress, not the White House nor any other division of our Government has the interest to resolve any of these issues as long as they can continue to argue with each other. They enjoy it too much.
We've got some real problems in America, not the least are: N. Korea has a missile that can reach America and very likely can be fitted with a nuclear bomb. Russia has hacked into our election process and it looks like they're trying to hack into our nuclear energy system. A Congress that is so deeply divided they can't get anything done. And these are just a start. we need to concentrate on these issues and not petty barbs coming off the internet.
Here's what I suggest; the president, his cabinet, advisors from all the intelligence services and any other necessary advisors and all go to Camp David for three or four days. Trump would be required to leave all internet devices at the white House as would everyone else. Access to the rest of the world would be handled by staff and those who needed to would be granted supervised outside contact.
Some advisors would come and go as needed. The agenda would focus on our major problems. The goal would be to resolve, as much as possible, those most pressing concerns. Camp David is the perfect spot for such a gathering because of its isolation. Nowhere else can such a large group meet without outside interference or distractions.
So, what are the chances of my idea coming to pass? About as much chance as I have of setting a new world record in the 100 meter foot race. Not Congress, not the White House nor any other division of our Government has the interest to resolve any of these issues as long as they can continue to argue with each other. They enjoy it too much.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Christians When It Suits Them.
You remember Hobby Lobby don't you? It's the company that is so Christian that they wouldn't cover employees for birth control medication because it was against their strict Christian beliefs. Well, they're in the news today, because of their strict Christian belief that it's okay to steal artifacts from the middle east.
Ya see, as evangelical Christians, the owners of Hobby Lobby felt it was okay to illegally buy artifacts from private dealers who had no right to sell them, and Hobby Lobby knew it. So now they're being forced to give them all back to Iraq and or their rightful owners. That, and pay a $3 million fine.
Now I don't know what you may think of this latest development but I think that either the evangelical Christians that own Hobby Lobby are just a tad two faced or just plain crooks playing at being pious. Either way, they don't deserve any consideration for their past calls for special treatment. Too bad the decision to let them ignore contraceptives coverage can't be reversed because they've shown themselves to be anything but the Christians they said they were. I guess you could call them CINOs (Christians In Name Only).
That's because true believers wouldn't steal anything. It's not what Christianity is all about. And it's not like one or two items happened to fall into their hands by mistake. There were 5500 pieces of antiquities involved from more then one dealer. Hardly a simple misunderstanding. Way to go. How do you feel now Two Face?
Ya see, as evangelical Christians, the owners of Hobby Lobby felt it was okay to illegally buy artifacts from private dealers who had no right to sell them, and Hobby Lobby knew it. So now they're being forced to give them all back to Iraq and or their rightful owners. That, and pay a $3 million fine.
Now I don't know what you may think of this latest development but I think that either the evangelical Christians that own Hobby Lobby are just a tad two faced or just plain crooks playing at being pious. Either way, they don't deserve any consideration for their past calls for special treatment. Too bad the decision to let them ignore contraceptives coverage can't be reversed because they've shown themselves to be anything but the Christians they said they were. I guess you could call them CINOs (Christians In Name Only).
That's because true believers wouldn't steal anything. It's not what Christianity is all about. And it's not like one or two items happened to fall into their hands by mistake. There were 5500 pieces of antiquities involved from more then one dealer. Hardly a simple misunderstanding. Way to go. How do you feel now Two Face?
Monday, July 3, 2017
Socialism / Free Market Capitalism
Does anyone know the real difference between pure Socialism and pure Free Market Capitalism? See the words Social (ism) and Capital (ism). Socialism has to do with what is seen as being best for society, all of us. Free Market Capitalism has to do with profits, money. FMC in it's purest form cares nothing about people except where it can return income on investments to investors, people.
Let's take a hypothetical example. Bobby Joe, of West Virginia has a wealthy uncle who dies. The uncle leaves Bobby Joe $100,000. Bobby Joe, being a smart fella invests the 100 grand in a coalmining company. The company is profitable because it started using the so called Mountaintop Removal Mining process. The top of a mountain is bulldozed off into the valley below to reveal a seam of coal which is then easy to dig up. That makes for more profits and a bigger check for Bobby Joe.
There's a problem though. The toxic waste dumped into the valley has polluted the stream there. That stream is the source of Bobby Joe's drinking water. Soon his whole family becomes sick. That's the social issue of this example. When companies are left to focus only on profits, people get left out.
Yes, people are the ones who are the investors and yes they profit from FMC, but not everyone gets the opportunity to invest. Many people can only invest in their day to day living expenses. But even investors can be harmed by the unfettered drive for higher and higher profits. True believers in FMC simply don't see an objection to any of that. More money allows them to do whatever it is they want to do with that extra money. Unless, of course, they find themselves harmed by the FMC.
Socialism on the other hand cares nothing for profits or losses, but only for the best interests of people. Better care, better living and working conditions, all of that is all that counts for the true Socialist. Neither system is anywhere near perfect. What's needed is an amalgam of the two ideas. The problem is that, like our government, neither side will consider the valid points of the other side.
Let's take a hypothetical example. Bobby Joe, of West Virginia has a wealthy uncle who dies. The uncle leaves Bobby Joe $100,000. Bobby Joe, being a smart fella invests the 100 grand in a coalmining company. The company is profitable because it started using the so called Mountaintop Removal Mining process. The top of a mountain is bulldozed off into the valley below to reveal a seam of coal which is then easy to dig up. That makes for more profits and a bigger check for Bobby Joe.
There's a problem though. The toxic waste dumped into the valley has polluted the stream there. That stream is the source of Bobby Joe's drinking water. Soon his whole family becomes sick. That's the social issue of this example. When companies are left to focus only on profits, people get left out.
Yes, people are the ones who are the investors and yes they profit from FMC, but not everyone gets the opportunity to invest. Many people can only invest in their day to day living expenses. But even investors can be harmed by the unfettered drive for higher and higher profits. True believers in FMC simply don't see an objection to any of that. More money allows them to do whatever it is they want to do with that extra money. Unless, of course, they find themselves harmed by the FMC.
Socialism on the other hand cares nothing for profits or losses, but only for the best interests of people. Better care, better living and working conditions, all of that is all that counts for the true Socialist. Neither system is anywhere near perfect. What's needed is an amalgam of the two ideas. The problem is that, like our government, neither side will consider the valid points of the other side.
Why The Rush.
Since January the Environmental Protection Agency has cut back or cut out regulations on vehicle emissions, toxic waste from power plants to methane leaks from gas and oil drilling wells. Now it's set to deregulate the drinking water of a third of Americans, about 117 million people. Why the rush to do this is incomprehensible.
The "Waters of the United States Rule" covers all navigable rivers, streams and lakes. But now the EPA wants to eliminate the rule first and then decide what to protect and what shouldn't be. Now wouldn't it make more sense to decide which waters need to be protected first and then deregulate the others if necessary? I mean it's not like anyone is harmed by water that's too clean. Well, okay, my son used to say it hurt to get a bath, but he outgrew of that.
The whole purpose of those regulations was to preserve good clean drinking water for a whole lot of people. Some of the worst polluters in the country are all smiles because of the new EPA's decision, so that should tell you something. It may be that some waters should be deregulated. Maybe the river you get your drinking water from should be one of them, although somehow I think you'd wind up unhappy if they did.
There always seems to be a rush to make changes without thinking in this new administration instead of thinking it over, looking into the problems, if there are any, and then deciding. It's a procedure being used over and over and it's got to be for political purposes. Make a big splash for the base then try to handle the mess you've created. I guess when you can't get anything else done, you have to grab and destroy anything you can, even if it's seed corn.
The "Waters of the United States Rule" covers all navigable rivers, streams and lakes. But now the EPA wants to eliminate the rule first and then decide what to protect and what shouldn't be. Now wouldn't it make more sense to decide which waters need to be protected first and then deregulate the others if necessary? I mean it's not like anyone is harmed by water that's too clean. Well, okay, my son used to say it hurt to get a bath, but he outgrew of that.
The whole purpose of those regulations was to preserve good clean drinking water for a whole lot of people. Some of the worst polluters in the country are all smiles because of the new EPA's decision, so that should tell you something. It may be that some waters should be deregulated. Maybe the river you get your drinking water from should be one of them, although somehow I think you'd wind up unhappy if they did.
There always seems to be a rush to make changes without thinking in this new administration instead of thinking it over, looking into the problems, if there are any, and then deciding. It's a procedure being used over and over and it's got to be for political purposes. Make a big splash for the base then try to handle the mess you've created. I guess when you can't get anything else done, you have to grab and destroy anything you can, even if it's seed corn.
Sunday, July 2, 2017
A Gun Too Far.
Have you heard this one? Two guys in a nightclub in Little Rock got into an argument and started shooting. Twenty five people are wounded. It's reported that this was not terror related. Except that a lot of folks must have been terror-stricken. This is not a case of Good Guys With Guns Stop Bad Guys With Guns.
This story in the news today tells us that while guns don't kill people, even supposedly good guys with gun do kill people with guns. So its time for the NRA to stop lying to the public and start being honest for a change. There are simply too many guns out there and too many are allowed places where they shouldn't be. A drinking establishment isn't the smartest place to bring guns. That's because there are too many power drinkers.
I don't know if these two shooters were drunk, but I'll bet they had had at least a few too many. Of course a single tragic event doesn't necessarily change the rhetoric, but it should give pause to reflect. Just how necessary is it for every American to have a gun? The founding fathers could never have envisioned so many people living so close with so many guns. There are more than enough guns already to ward off any attack on our freedom, either foreign or domestic.
Assault rifles and high capacity handguns are only good for one thing. Killing people. All the kindly talk in the world can't change that fact. They just aren't good for anything else. Well, actually there is one other thing they're good for. They make an extraordinary amount of money for the gun manufacturers and for the NRA. Is that why we need so many? In so many places? For profits?
This story in the news today tells us that while guns don't kill people, even supposedly good guys with gun do kill people with guns. So its time for the NRA to stop lying to the public and start being honest for a change. There are simply too many guns out there and too many are allowed places where they shouldn't be. A drinking establishment isn't the smartest place to bring guns. That's because there are too many power drinkers.
I don't know if these two shooters were drunk, but I'll bet they had had at least a few too many. Of course a single tragic event doesn't necessarily change the rhetoric, but it should give pause to reflect. Just how necessary is it for every American to have a gun? The founding fathers could never have envisioned so many people living so close with so many guns. There are more than enough guns already to ward off any attack on our freedom, either foreign or domestic.
Assault rifles and high capacity handguns are only good for one thing. Killing people. All the kindly talk in the world can't change that fact. They just aren't good for anything else. Well, actually there is one other thing they're good for. They make an extraordinary amount of money for the gun manufacturers and for the NRA. Is that why we need so many? In so many places? For profits?
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